Sen. Lee Statement on UAE Arms Sales

Dec 9, 2020

“The signing of the Abraham Accords creates a rare and historic opportunity for diplomacy in the Middle East. The United Arab Emirates – by committing to and taking action to normalize relations with Israel - demonstrates an appetite in the region that seeks stability and peace, and presents a counterbalancing front against the Iranian regime. I believe the arms sale to the UAE under consideration will contribute to this movement in the region, and will allow the United States to continue reducing our military presence throughout the Middle East. Because of these shared strategic goals, I’ve decided to support the proposed arms sale and oppose the resolutions of disapproval considered by Congress today.”

Sen. Lee Supports Belated FTC Action Against Facebook

Dec 9, 2020

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Wednesday after the Federal Trade Commission announced it suing Facebook for illegally maintaining a social networking monopoly. “I am glad to see that our antitrust enforcers are finally taking the threats posed by Big Tech seriously,” Sen. Lee said. “If Facebook faced greater competition, it might be more reticent to engage in the draconian censorship it has become fond of. At the same time, the FTC previously cleared both the Instagram and WhatsApp acquisitions, and I hesitate to congratulate it now for trying to clean up its own mess. This is one more reason that antitrust enforcement should be consolidated at the Department of Justice, as I’ve proposed in the One Agency Act. I’ll be following this case closely, and look forward to continuing to exercise oversight in this area.” You can read more about the One Agency Act here.

Sen. Lee Thanks Sen. Hatch for His Service with Courthouse Renaming

Dec 8, 2020

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Tuesday, after the House of Representatives passed legislation to name the federal courthouse in Salt Lake City in honor of former-Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT): “Senator Hatch dedicated his life to serving Utah and his impact on the state of Utah cannot be overstated. As one of the longest serving chairmen of the Senate Judiciary Committee he left a lasting legacy on our nation’s federal judiciary so it is only appropriate that Utah’s federal courthouse be named in his honor.”

Sen. Lee Introduces PROMISE Act to Hold Big Tech Accountable

Dec 8, 2020

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) introduced the Promoting Responsibility Over Moderation In the Social Media Environment (PROMISE) Act Tuesday, a bill designed to hold Big Tech companies accountable for their promises to not operate their social medial platforms with political bias. The legislation is cosponsored by Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS). “The billionaires who own our nation’s Big Tech companies have every right to be partisan political actors,” Sen. Lee said.

Senate Passes Bill Fighting Immigration Discrimination and Protecting American Workers

Dec 4, 2020

Few ideas are more central to who we are as Americans than the notion that people should be judged based on their own merits as an individual with God-given rights, not on the basis of the color of their skin or where they come from. As our Founders wrote, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…” Those words are as much a part of our national creed in this moment as they were when they were written two hundred and forty three years ago, and our laws should reflect their enduring truth.

Senate Passes Bill Fighting Immigration Discrimination and Protecting American Workers

Dec 3, 2020

WASHINGTON – On Wednesday, Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) secured passage by unanimous consent of an amended version of HR 1044, a bill designed to fight discrimination in our nation’s immigration system while also increasing protections for American workers.

Honoring Rob Bishop

Dec 2, 2020

I rise today to honor my friend and colleague, Congressman Rob Bishop. After 18 years of service in the House of Representatives, he has decided to hang up his gloves and embark on his retirement. Rob has served the First District of Utah with integrity, tenacity, humility, and humor, and it is my privilege to have worked with him through the last ten years.

Floor Remarks on ALS Disability Insurance Access Act

Dec 2, 2020

It is a tragedy when anyone suffers from ALS. This progressive, neurodegenerative disease rapidly attacks the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, and eventually affects control of the muscles needed to move, speak, eat, and breathe. And sadly, it is always fatal. The average life expectancy is only two to five years after diagnosis.

Sen. Lee Reintroduces Screening Partnership Reform Act

Dec 1, 2020

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) introduced the Screening Partnership Reform Act, a bill that would make changes to the Transportation Safety Administration’s Screening Partnership Program. “Our travel industry needs all the help it can get,” Sen. Lee said. “The Screening Partnership Program is a proven secure way for travelers to save money but it has been underutilized by our nation’s airports. This bill would clear some of the bureaucratic red-tape surrounding this program in an attempt to unleash the potential cost-saving benefits of these private screening contractors.”

More children deserve a place to call home

Nov 23, 2020

Over 400,000 U.S. children were in the foster care system in 2019, and the number of children and youth in foster care is higher today than it has been in nearly a decade. Tragically, some government leaders and researchers fear that the current pandemic could lead to heightened child abuse and increase the number of children in need of foster care. This increased demand may introduce additional stress into a system already in need of reform.