Sen. Lee Statement on Government Spending Bill

Dec 22, 2020

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Tuesday after the Senate approved a $2.3 trillion spending bill. “For almost a year, Utahns have been fighting through terrible conditions to work, to find work, to serve their neighbors and communities as best they can. Congress has failed to meet their standard of courage and duty. This COVID relief bill - like the one Senate Democrats blocked for months out of pure partisan politics - contains some much-needed items to help Utahns recover including more funding for faster vaccine deployment and an expanded charitable deduction.”

Sen. Lee Demands Truth from Google and Facebook on Collusion Claims

Dec 22, 2020

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Tuesday after seeing reports that Facebook and Google agreed not to compete against each other in online advertising, and had a deal in place to help each other if the agreement attracted antitrust scrutiny. “Google has repeatedly pointed to Facebook as evidence for its claim that there is plenty of competition in online advertising. But it turns out the two companies may have agreed not to compete at all. The American people deserve to hear the truth, under oath.”

Sen. Lee Commends President Trump’s Federal Architecture Executive Order

Dec 22, 2020

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Tuesday, commending President Trump for issuing an executive order on Promoting Beautiful Federal Civic Architecture: “As Winston Churchill said, ‘We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.’ And the shape of federal buildings over the last two generations has been abysmal: cold, boring, and contemptuous of America’s public taste and republican traditions. For decades, architectural elites and government bureaucrats have imposed their edifice complex on the American people, marring beautiful communities with ugly federal buildings.”

Discourso objetando a los nuevos museos Smithsonian

Dec 14, 2020

Señor/Señora Presidente, Reservando el derecho de objetar… Quiero agradecer el caballero de New Jersey por traer este tema al Senado hoy. Los programas culturales pueden representar una fracción pequeñísima de los gastos federales, pero son magnificados muchas veces por su impacto substantivo y simbólico.

Sen. Lee Notes Electoral College Certification

Dec 14, 2020

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Monday after presidential electors met and cast votes in their respective states. “Our election process took a major step today when presidential electors met in their respective states and cast 306 electoral votes for former Vice President Joe Biden—more than the 270 electoral votes he needs to become president-elect. Concerns regarding fraud and irregularities in this election remain active in multiple states, and those concerns need to be addressed by Congress and state and local officials throughout the country. But absent new information that could give rise to a judicial or legislative determination altering the impact of today’s electoral-college votes, Joe Biden will become president of the United States on January 20, 2021.”

Listening to Utahns Needs

Dec 11, 2020

This week as the Senate negotiated a COVID relief package, I met virtually with Utahns from around the state to hear what was on their minds in these difficult times. Our hospitals are looking forward to getting their frontline workers vaccinated but they are also worried that these vital individuals will experience symptoms and feel sick for a day or two after being vaccinated. They are strategizing on how to ensure they can get all the workers vaccinated but still have enough staff feeling healthy and able to work at any given time.

Remarks Objecting to New Smithsonian Museums

Dec 10, 2020

Reserving the right to object… I want to thank the gentleman from New Jersey for bringing this issue to the floor today. Cultural programs may represent a tiny fraction of federal spending, but they are magnified many times over by their symbolic and substantive impact.

Sen. Lee Announces Support for Section 230 Reform

Dec 10, 2020

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement of support for Sen. Lindsey Graham’s (R-SC) Online Content Policy Modernization Act Thursday, after the consideration of the bill was postponed. “I don’t like involving government in industry, particularly with regard to an industry that has grown up in freedom as opposed to in regulatory captivity,” Sen. Lee said. “But Facebook and Twitter have claimed political neutrality while practicing political partisanship for far too long. That is why I would have voted for Senator Graham’s legislation to move through the Committee. He has worked with me to iron out some issues in his bill, and I trust he will continue to work with me to iron out a few others in the coming Congress. I look forward to engaging in that effort.” You can watch Sen. Lee’s extended remarks at the committee hearing here.

Sen. Lee Praises President Trump’s Announcement on Israel-Morocco Relations

Dec 10, 2020

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Thursday after President Trump announced Morocco has agreed to establish full diplomatic relations with Israel. “Today the administration announced an agreement between Morocco and Israel that establishes full diplomatic relations between the two nations. This agreement, along with the Abraham Accords, demonstrates we are truly living in a historic time for Middle Eastern relations with the West. This agreement is yet another victory, under the leadership of President Trump, on the path toward a secure and peaceful Middle East. I commend the President and his team on this tremendous success."

Sen. Lee Signs Letter Opposing New Burdens on Small Business

Dec 10, 2020

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) joined a letter sent to the Senate majority and minority leaders Thursday, objecting to new regulations on small businesses placed into the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021. “This provision is outside the jurisdiction of the Armed Services Committee, has not been considered by the appropriate Senate Committees or the full Senate, creates a substantial regulatory burden on millions of small businesses, exposes business owners to significant financial penalties and jail terms, and it threatens their privacy and due process rights,” the letter reads.