Sen. Lee Urges Education Department to Reject Critical Race Theory

May 19, 2021

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) this week submitted a formal comment in response to the Department of Education’s proposed priorities for American History and Civics education. The comment reads in part: “We have seen in recent years what happens when we indulge the cultural fragmentation of our national community. The critical race theory that undergirds the Department’s proposal does not celebrate diversity; it weaponizes diversity. It casts aside our national identity, instead sharpening hyphenated racial identities into knives and daggers as a means to cancel anyone daring to recognize the underlying reality behind the history of this country. While we are not without our mistakes as a nation, we have consistently sought to improve our society, so that all men and women – regardless of age, race, or religion – can flourish. It is dangerous for the federal government to knowingly support ideals and principles that pull us further apart, rather than those that bring us closer together.”

Uniting Around Criminal Justice Reform

May 19, 2021

The past year—full of challenges, division, and isolation—exposed many of the fault lines in our society. Events across the country brought renewed attention to enduring racial divisions, and highlighted a number of challenges related to law enforcement and policing. But if there is one issue that ought to help provide healing and unity for our communities, it is commonsense criminal justice reform.

Sen. Lee Questions FTC on Merger Mismanagement

May 18, 2021

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) today sent a letter to Acting Chairwoman Rebecca Slaughter regarding recent developments in the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) handling of merger enforcement. The Senator expressed concerns about the agency’s handling of 7-Eleven’s recent acquisition of Speedway, as well as the FTC’s February decision to suspend granting early termination under the Hart-Scott-Rodino ("HSR") Act. Under the Act, parties to certain mergers and acquisitions must submit premerger notification filings known as HSR filings, and wait up to 30 days before consummating the transaction.

Lee, McClintock Introduce Bill to Repeal Jones Act

May 14, 2021

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) have introduced the Open America’s Water Act, a bill that would repeal the Jones Act and allow all qualified vessels to engage in domestic trade between U.S. ports. “Restricting trade between U.S. ports is a huge loss for American consumers and producers,” said Sen. Lee. “It is long past time to repeal the Jones Act entirely so that Alaskans, Hawaiians, and Puerto Ricans aren’t forced to pay higher prices for imported goods—and so they rapidly receive the help they need in the wake of natural disasters.”

Lee, Good Introduce Resolution Recognizing “National Pregnancy Center Week”

May 12, 2021

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) today introduced a resolution designating the week of November 8 as “National Pregnancy Center Week” and recognizing the vital work of pregnancy centers across the United States. The resolution is co-sponsored by 17 of his colleagues, and Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) has sponsored companion legislation in the House. “Each year, thousands of women and men facing difficult pregnancy situations turn to these centers for help, hope, and healing,” said Sen. Lee. “Thanks to the heroic and tireless efforts of their staff and volunteers, parents receive compassionate care and crucial resources that help them to choose life, saving millions of babies’ lives each year. It’s only right that we honor and support their life-affirming work.”

Lee, Buck Question Amazon’s Influence on JEDI Contract Procurement Process

May 4, 2021

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) today sent letters to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and the Acting Inspector General of the Department of Defense Sean O’Donnell regarding whether Amazon violated antitrust or ethics laws by attempting to influence the procurement process for the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (“JEDI”) contract for cloud computing services for the Department of Defense. A potential 10-year, $10 billion contract to support warfighter operations across the department, it is the largest government cloud contract to a single contractor in history.

April 30th, 2021 Mobile Office Visit to Morgan County

Apr 30, 2021

What: Mobile Office Visit to Morgan
When: Friday, April 30th, 2021 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Where: Morgan City Offices - 90 W Young Street, Morgan, UT 84050

Floor Remarks on State Water Rights Amendment

Apr 29, 2021

Water is one of our most precious resources. It is vital to agriculture, industry, recreation, conservation, the development and growth of cities, and a myriad of other needs. Unfortunately, for states like Utah, our supply for this critical resource is threatened under the Antiquities Act. Why is this the case?

The PVSA is Bad News

Apr 29, 2021

This 135-year-old law, known as the Passenger Vessel Services Act (“PVSA”), harms American workers and redirects tourism to foreign nations. We are literally shipping our tourism and economic activity abroad, and destroying countless opportunities for our own coastal cities, states, and towns. It should be repealed immediately.

Lee and Thune Introduce Bill to Strengthen National Guard Resources and Readiness

Apr 28, 2021

WASHINGTON – Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and John Thune (R-SD) today introduced the Guarding Readiness Resources Act, a bill to ensure that National Guard units receive the reimbursement required by law for the use of federal equipment to support state missions. Current federal law allows for the use of helicopters, trucks, and other federal equipment on state missions, but requires that states reimburse the National Guard for the costs associated with their use. However, state reimbursements are automatically diverted to the U.S. Treasury under the Miscellaneous Receipts Act (MRA), which mandates that any funds from a non-congressional source be sent to the Treasury. Without reimbursements, National Guard units are left with significant shortfalls in federal accounts used for operations and maintenance, under the level of the original congressional appropriation.