Senator Lee and Solicitor General Nominee Donald Verrilli

Mar 30, 2011

Senator Lee asks Solicitor General Nominee, Donald Verrilli, about the importance of maintaining a separation between the duties of the Solicitor General and the political ideology of the presiding administration. In this context, Senator Lee asks Verrilli to defend the Obama administration's decision to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act.

Sen. Lee and Rep. Bishop Introduce Land Conveyance Legislation for Mantua, Utah

Mar 30, 2011

WASHINGTON– Today, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) and Congressman Rob Bishop (R-UT) introduced legislation to transfer three parcels of federally owned land in Box Elder County to the town of Mantua, Utah. Specifically, The Box Elder Utah Land Conveyance Act would convey nearly 32 acres of land that could be used by the community for multiple purposes, including the potential development of a new city cemetery, a new town hall, fire station, park or elementary school.

The parcels of land included in this legislation are located on the south end of town below 100 South and west of Main Street and Willard Peak Road. They are part of a larger tract originally owned by Hans Rasmussen, an early settler of Mantua, whose family deeded the land to the U.S. Forest Service in 1941 for $1.00. Under this legislation, the city of Mantua would not be required to pay for the land, but would assume all costs associated with surveying and development.

It is a testament to the growth of our state and cities like Mantua that this bill is necessary,” said Senator Lee, who sits on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee. “The city can use the land productively and the federal government has no pressing need for it. With the help of Rep. Bishop, I hope we can move this bill quickly through Congress.

There is absolutely no valid reason why the federal government should maintain ownership of this land, which has sat vacant and virtually unused for decades, when it could otherwise be utilized by the town of Mantua to meet the current challenges associated with its growth and expansion,” said Congressman Bishop, whose district encompasses all of Box Elder County. “The parcels of land we’re asking to have conveyed are relatively small in size but would have a significant impact on the future of this community.

In addition, Senator Lee is also introducing legislation to return forest service land to the town of Alta for a community center and fire station.

Senator Lee's Reaction to President's Speech on Libya - Judge Napolitano

Mar 28, 2011

The President's speech did little to ease Senator Lee's mind on Libya. Many important questions remain unanswered.

Failing to Lead on Libya: Response to President Obama's Speech

Mar 28, 2011

As I listened carefully to the President defend his decision to send our men and women into harm’s way in Libya, I came away disappointed that he has still failed to specifically outline America’s national security interest in the conflict, or the strategic military objectives he plans to achieve by our continued involvement.

Lee Condemns Cowardly Act in Jerusalem

Mar 24, 2011

WASHINGTON—Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement today on the bombing in Jerusalem:

“The senseless murder of an innocent woman and the harm done to more than twenty bystanders is reprehensible andshould be condemned as a cowardly act. It is a reminder that our allies remain targets and, as much as our attention has been directed at domestic affairs, we should stay vigilant in the war against terrorism. The thoughts and prayers of millions of Americans are with the families of those struggling to survive this attack, and our support is firmly behind Israel as they root out those responsible and bring them to justice.”

Senator Lee Questions Obama's War in Libya with Judge Napolitano

Mar 23, 2011

President Obama's actions in LIbya betray his words. He has an obligation to explain why he left Congress and the American people out of his decision to go to war.

Libya War and Budget Discussed with Neil Cavuto

Mar 23, 2011

Senator Mike Lee Discusses the war in Libya and the impact it will have on budget discussions in Congress with Neil Cavuto

Senator Lee Discusses Progress with Balanced Budget Amendment on Freedom Watch

Mar 18, 2011

Senator Lee discusses the progress Republican senators are making with the Balanced Budget Amendment. He also discusses Senator Rand Paul's plan to balance the budget in 5 years with Judge Napolitano.

Senator Lee Discusses Rising Stakes in Budget Fight with Lou Dobbs

Mar 17, 2011

We need to make it possible but difficult and unusual for Congress to engage in deficit spending.

Lee, McCain Submit Bill to Reduce Ownership of Federal Lands

Mar 17, 2011

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee of Utah and Senator John McCain of Arizona introduced legislation to reduce federal ownership of certain public lands and allow the land to be sold for more productive purposes. The bill directs the Secretary of Interior to dispose of federal lands identified in a 1997 Clinton Administration report deemed suitable for sale. Under this legislation, the amount of land sold would be equal to roughly 1% of all land managed by the Bureau of Land Management, and less than one half of one percent of all federal land. Representative Jason Chaffetz, also of Utah, recently introduced a similar bill in the House.

“It’s been more than a decade since the land was deemed suitable for disposal and there is no critical need for the federal government to hold on to it,” said Senator Lee. “The sale of the land alone could generate more than a $1 billion, and there is further economic benefit of putting the land to good use. That will mean jobs, future growth, and better prosperity for the surrounding areas.”

“It’s good for the state of Utah and I am happy to work with Senator McCain and my fellow Utahn Representative Chaffetz in the House in supporting the move.”

“The federal budget, much like the household budgets of millions of American families, is stretched alarmingly thin in today’s fiscal climate,” said Senator McCain. “Congress must explore all possible avenues for reducing our $1.4 trillion deficit and ballooning $14 trillion national debt. Our legislation aims to reduce the federal estate in a way that’s mindful of how we currently manage our public lands and seeks to dispose land that the federal government simply does not want.”

The bill is titled “The Reducing Federal Ownership of Public Lands Act”.