Day Lee Briefing -- 5/31/2011

May 31, 2011

“Last week, I received more than 300 calls to my office from constituents. The overwhelming majority called to ask me to oppose the Patriot Act reauthorization, which I did. Other issues included entitlement reform, our national debt, and spending cuts. My staff pays close attention to the calls coming in from Utah and we discuss them throughout the week so I know exactly how you feel on the issues of the day. I look forward to hearing more from you, so keep the calls coming.” -Mike Lee

Patriot Act and the Fourth Amendment - Floor Speech

May 31, 2011

The concept that regardless of how passionately we might feel about the need for certain government intervention, we can't ever allow government to be operating completely unfettered. We have liberty in place whenever government is controlled by the people, and whenever there are certain things that are beyond the reach of the government.

Day Lee Briefing -- 5/26/2011

May 26, 2011

Senator Lee will attend a briefing on our relationship with Pakistan, and nomination hearings in the ENR and Judiciary Committees. He has several media interviews, including ABC’s Topline.

Senator Lee, Republican Colleagues Call on Administration to Produce Budget

May 26, 2011

Senator Mike Lee (UT-R) and 22 of his Republican colleagues on Wednesday signed a letter to President Obama, calling attention to the failure of the democrats to produce a budget in 756 days. Lee and others are urging the Administration to work with budget experts to develop plans to allocate spending within a $2.6 trillion Debt Ceiling Budget.

Day Lee Briefing -- 5/25/2011

May 25, 2011

Senator Lee will attend the Senate Prayer Breakfast this morning and meets with members from the dietary supplements industry in Utah. He’ll discuss job creation in the bio-tech industry at the Joint Economic Committee and have lunch with Governor Herbert and the Utah Delegation. Senator Lee will also stop by the weekly event for Utah constituents, with plenty of green Jell-O on hand.

Day Lee Briefing -- 5/24/2011

May 24, 2011

Today, Senator Lee appears on CSPAN’s Washington Journal and will attend a joint session of Congress featuring the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He meets with the Workers Compensation Fund of Utah and will call in to Lincoln Brown Radio Show in Vernal. Both the Foreign Relations and Judiciary Committee will be discussing nominations.

Day Lee Briefing -- 5/23/2011

May 23, 2011

Today, Senator Lee will give remarks at the Annual Utah Taxpayers Association in Salt Lake City. After travelling back to DC, he has an interview with Bloomberg News to discuss possible spending cuts in the budget

Day Lee Briefing -- 5/20/2011

May 20, 2011

Today’s Agenda

Today Senator Lee is in Utah visiting with constituents.


From the Senator’s Desk 

It has now been 60 days since Obama authorized military action in Libya.  This passage is from a letter I signed with Sens. Paul, DeMint, Johnson, Coburn, and Cornyn, which we sent to President Obama:

Congress received your report pursuant to section 4(a)(1) of the War Powers Resolution on March 21, 2011. Friday is the final day of the statutory sixty-day period for you to terminate the use of the United States Armed Forces in Libya under the War Powers Resolution. As recently as last week your Administration indicated use of the United States Armed Forces will continue indefinitely. Therefore, we are writing to ask whether you intend to comply with the requirements of the War Powers Resolution. We await your response.  –Mike Lee


#2nd Opinion

President Obama called for Israelis and Palestinians to return to the peace process using 1967 borders as a starting point.  I agree with Prime Minister Netanyahu that this move would leave Israel in a militarily indefensible position.


Around the Water Cooler

Oil shale development: “This legislation will bring down the cost of gas and give American energy producers the certainty they need”

Armed Forces Day: Tomorrow, May 21, is Armed Forces Day.  I would like to thank all the brave men and women in the armed forces who have kept us safe over the years.

Day Lee Briefing -- 5/19/2011

May 19, 2011

This morning, Senator Lee will meet with Ryan Crocker, the Administration’s nominee for Ambassador to Afghanistan. He has a Judiciary hearing to discuss the Environmental Crimes and Enforcement Act, and other legislation. This afternoon, the Senator will give a floor statement in opposition of Goodwin Liu’s appointment to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and will vote on numerous bills before the Water and Power Subcommittee on ENR, for which he is the Ranking Member. Finally, he has media interviews E&E News, as well as KCPX’s (Moab) Cari and Rob show.

Lee Condemns President's Statement on Israel's borders

May 19, 2011

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee criticized President Obama’s call for Israel to return to its pre-1967 borders.  He released the following statement:

"I condemn in the strongest possible terms the President's irresponsible suggestion that Israel return to its pre-1967 borders.  I agree with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that this move would leave Israel in a militarily indefensible position.”