Utah Congressional Delegation Introduces Legislation to Address Growing Threat From Prairie Dogs

Sep 20, 2011

Members of Utah’s Congressional Delegation today joined together to introduce legislation to address the damage being done by prairie dogs. Sens. Orrin Hatch and Mike Lee, and Reps. Jim Matheson, Jason Chaffetz, and Rob Bishop joined together to introduce the Protecting Public Safety and Sacred Sites from the Utah Prairie Dog Act, which will permit the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to take much-needed steps to protect Utahns from the hazards posed to public safety from prairie dogs.

When Solutions Become the Problem -- Day Lee Briefing 9/19/2011

Sep 19, 2011

After a recent report showing that the economy added no new jobs in August, it is worth looking back at how some of President Obama's previous proposals to fix the economy and create jobs have fared.

Law of the Sea Treaty and National Sovereignty -- Day Lee Briefing 9/16/2011

Sep 16, 2011

Senator Lee speaks at the Heritage Foundation on the Law of the Sea Treaty and national sovereignty.

Freedom Watch and Attack Watch -- Day Lee Briefing 9/15/2011

Sep 15, 2011

Senator Lee gives a speech to the Heritage Foundation at noon on the Law of the Sea Treaty and national sovereignty.

Not Alone -- Day Lee Briefing 9/14/2011

Sep 14, 2011

This morning, Senator Lee is the featured guest at the American Spectator’s monthly media breakfast. He will discuss the policy agenda he will pursue this fall. Senator Lee also meets with representatives from the Utah Tourism Industry, the Utah branch of NAIFA, Proctor & Gamble, and has interviews with Lou Dobbs and the New York Times. He also attends his regularly scheduled constituent social hour at 3:30 pm. All are welcome.

MIssing Details in President's Jobs Plan -- Day Lee Briefing 9/13/2011

Sep 13, 2011

When we received a copy of the legislation yesterday, we were expecting the Office of Management and Budget—which enjoys a five hundred person staff—to provide a precise and detailed estimate of the fiscal impact of the president's proposal. But no such information was provided.

Debt of Gratitude -- Day Lee Briefing 9/12/2011

Sep 12, 2011

Today we honor the lives of the victims and their families that were forever altered on this tragic day ten years ago. We will never forget this senseless act of violence and those who lost their lives. Americans must remain vigilant in the struggle to prevent these terrorist acts. We owe a great debt of gratitude to the men and women of our national security and defense agencies who do the very difficult work of protecting this country, her people and her interests both at home and abroad. For their effort, we are both a free and secure nation 10 years later

September 11th Ten Year Anniversary

Sep 11, 2011

Today we honor the lives of the victims and their families that were forever altered on this tragic day ten years ago. We will never forget this senseless act of violence and those who lost their lives. Americans must remain vigilant in the struggle to prevent these terrorist acts. We owe a great debt of gratitude to the men and women of our national security and defense agencies who do the very difficult work of protecting this country, her people and her interests both at home and abroad. For their effort, we are both a free and secure nation 10 years later.

More of the Same -- Day Lee Briefing 9/9/2011

Sep 9, 2011

Last night, President Obama presented a speech to a joint session of Congress. While I agree with the president that we urgently need to grow our economy and create an environment where jobs will be created, the lightly detailed proposal he offered appeared to propose more of the same failed policies that have only been making things worse during his tenure.

Vernal Arabia: Energy and Jobs -- Day Lee Briefing 9/08/2011

Sep 8, 2011

Senator Lee has a press conference to discuss the need for transparency in the deficit Super Committee proceedings. He is also planning to attend President Obama's speech to the Joint Session of Congress this evening. He will also be voting on three amendments and final passage of the patent reform bill. There is also a vote on the debt ceiling disapproval vote. If the debt ceiling disapproval motion fails, the President will receive an additional $500 billion in borrowing authority as per the debt limit deal that was approved in the beginning of August.