Another Mandate -- Day Lee Briefing 10/18/2011

Oct 18, 2011

Today, Senator Lee has an Energy and Natural Resources hearing on offshore drilling and will meet with representatives of Draper City and the UTA Board of Trustees. He will also hold a Utah tele-press conference in the afternoon.

Obamacare is Crumbling -- Day Lee Briefing 10/17/2011

Oct 17, 2011

The Obama administration is scrapping a long-term care insurance program created by the new health care law, reports the New York Times. Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of health and human services, concluded that the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports, or Class program, would have driven premiums so high that few healthy people would have signed up, according to the Times.

The True Cost of Obamacare -- Day Lee Briefing 10/14/2011

Oct 14, 2011

Today I discuss the true cost of Obamacare.

Lee Introduces the DASH Act

Oct 13, 2011

Today, Senator Mike Lee introduced a bill to help dairy and ranch owners maintain the foreign workers they need to keep their businesses operating year-round, without creating a legal path to citizenship for workers. The Dairy and Sheep H2A (DASH) Act would make dairy workers, sheep herders, and goat herders eligible to apply for year-round positions through the H2A visa program. Currently, temporary farm workers are only able to obtain seasonal visas.

Letting the Jobs Bill Go and Passing Free Trade Agreements-- 10/13/2011

Oct 13, 2011

Senator Lee will meet with representatives of QEP Resources, Community Action Partners, Enefit, and Justice Alito’s law clerks. He will also attend the arrival ceremony for President Lee Myung-bak of South Korea.

Meeting Utah's Finest

Oct 12, 2011

Today, I had the opportunity to meet the brave men and women of the 744th Engineer Company of the Army Reserve. The company is based out of Ogden, Utah, and was mobilized in October 2010 for deployment to Afghanistan in November of that year.

Senators and Congressmen Introduce the Northern Arizona Mining Continuity Act

Oct 12, 2011

In a recent letter to Department of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, several members of Congress wrote in protest of the Secretary's proposed a one million acre withdrawal of mining rights. The members stated the withdrawal has nothing to do with protecting the Grand Canyon environment but is actually ‘de facto wilderness’ for a region that conservationists previously agreed would remain accessible to the mining industry. The Interior Department’s own environmental study on the proposed withdrawal found ‘no conclusive evidence’ that modern-day mining operations in this area are harming the Grand Canyon watershed.

Senator Lee Votes on Stimulus 2 and the Chinese Currency Bill -- Day Lee Briefing 10/12/2011

Oct 12, 2011

Last night, Senator Lee voted against President Obama’s latest stimulus bill because it’s nothing more than second round of the failed economic measures contained in the original stimulus package. The senator also voted against the Chinese currency manipulation bill because there are better ways to create jobs than threatening to start a trade war.

Stimulus 2 -- Day Lee Briefing 10/11/2011

Oct 11, 2011

The Treasury Department reports that 80% of the taxpayers affected by the Reid surtax are small business owners. Since small business owners pay business taxes on their 1040 tax forms, to raise the tax rate on these owners is to raise the tax rate on the very small businesses that create jobs. The Reid surtax will kill jobs.

The Nuclear Option -- Day Lee Briefing 10/7/2011

Oct 7, 2011

In the United States Senate the minority is entitled to be heard. Not entitled to win, but entitled to be heard. That is the core problem here. I say to my friend the majority leader, nothing personal about it, we are fundamentally turning the Senate into the House. No amendments before cloture. No motions to suspend after cloture. The minority's out of business. And it's particularly bad on a bill that has the support of over 60 members, as this one did. If you're not among those 60, you're out of luck.