Remembering 2011 Milestones -- Day Lee Briefing 1/4/2012

Jan 4, 2012

Remembering 2011 Milestones

June 28th: DeMint, Lee, Paul Offer Bill to Begin Restoring Sound Money

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senators Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina), Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) introduced the Sound Money Promotion Act, legislation that would remove the tax burden on gold and silver coins that have been declared legal tender by the federal government or state governments. On May 9, the State of Utah became the first state to recognize such gold and silver coins as legal tender for use within the state, and similar legislation has been introduced in 12 other states, including South Carolina.

“Thanks to the government’s reckless over-spending, continued bailouts, and the Federal Reserve’s easy money policy, this year the purchasing power of the dollar hit an all-time low in the several decades since we went off the gold standard,” said Senator DeMint. “In order to rebuild strength and confidence in our economy, we need both the fiscal discipline to cut wasteful spending and the monetary discipline to restrain further destructive monetizing of our debt. This legislation would encourage wider adoption of sound money measures, and that’s a step in the right direction.”

“Good monetary policy is an important part of a healthy and prosperous economy,” said Senator Lee. “Since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the dollar has lost approximately 98 percent of its value. This bill is an important step towards a stable and sound currency whose value is protected from the Fed's printing press."

Senator Paul added, "As the government runs massive deficits, uncontrolled spending, and an increasingly unsustainable debt, governments and the bureaucrats in charge are often forced to take an easier approach: to monetize the debt, inflating the currency.  These implications can be devastating, leading to higher interest rates, which lead to higher borrowing costs and slower economic growth, but most importantly, destroying the savings and standard-of-living of all Americans.  This bill will hold politicians and the Federal Reserve accountable; acknowledging that states are serious about an alternative to a weakening dollar.”

The warning signs for our economic problems can no longer be ignored:

  • While the value of a dollar is at historic lows, the value of gold is at historic highs

  • Recently Standard & Poor’s downgraded the U.S. outlook from “stable” to “negative,” meaning there is a 1 in 3 chance of an actual credit downgrade in the next two years

  • The world’s largest bond fund has dumped its U.S. debt-related holdings, over concerns that we will not get our fiscal house in order

  • The Federal Reserve is now buying 70 percent of U.S. Treasuries, set to surpass the holdings of both China and Japan combined


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This is disturbing RT @johncornyn: POTUS to end-run Senate confirmation by recess appointment of another unaccountable czar


Obama to make another unprecedented unconstitutional power grab today by appointing #Cordray to #CFPBwith Senate in session  


Did you receive @SenMikeLee's newsletter today? You can sign up to start receiving it here: #utpol



Last year, the govnt spent over half a million dollars to study online dating: #tcot #tlot #teaparty #thisisyourmoney 

Around the Water Cooler

Obama bypasses Senate, installs new consumer-protection chief

A defiant President Barack Obama, tired of Senate Republicans stalling his nominee to lead a new consumer protection agency, put him in charge Wednesday over their opposition.

"I refuse to take ‘no’ for an answer," the president said.

Obama Administration Tests Constitutional Power After Controversial Appointment

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce may sue the Obama administration over President Obama's controversial appointment of Richard Cordray to head a controversial consumer financial board, officials from the business group told Fox News on Wednesday after an unprecedented display of executive power that is sure to poison already-strained relations with the GOP.

Remembering 2011 Milestones -- Day Lee Briefing 1/3/2012

Jan 3, 2012

Remembering 2011 Milestones

June 22nd: Lee Signs Cut, Cap, Balance Pledge  

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee announced his support for a plan that would fundamentally change the way the federal government spends taxpayer money.  Known as “Cut, Cap, and Balance,” the proposal seeks to significantly reduce the annual deficit, place a statutory cap on federal spending at 18% of GDP, and pass the Hatch-Lee Balanced Budget Amendment out of both houses of Congress, all before allowing a vote on raising the nation’s debt ceiling. 

“Cut, Cap, and Balance is the single most significant reform package Congress has seen in decades,” said Senator Lee. “It forces Washington to balance its books with strict, enforceable fiscal restraints and will cut spending significantly and immediately to improve our economy and create jobs.”

Earlier in the week, Senator Lee became the first Member of Congress to sign the Cut, Cap, Balance Pledge, which was announced at a press conference today.  The pledge signifies a commitment to passing all three provisions of the plan before a vote to increase the nation’s debt ceiling takes place.

“We cannot continue to rack up debt without first addressing the underlying problems that cause Washington to overspend,” Lee added. “Supporters of the pledge are saying we want to fix the problem before it gets any worse.  Opponents believe we can keep piling up debt and just hope Washington changes on its own.  We owe future generations more than that and have a responsibility to do the right thing for them today.”


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"Few, if any, of my colleagues will dispute the fact that Congress should balance its budget." #StrongBBA #SJRes10


Obama says he has "little choice" but to reject Keystone XL Pipeline #KXL #MakingItWorse #4jobs 


Welcome home! RT @deseretnews: 7 Utah Airmen among the last military members to leave Iraq



Last year, the govnt spent over half a million dollars to study online dating: #tcot #tlot #teaparty #thisisyourmoney  

Around the Water Cooler

Spec-Ops troops learn to be gumshoes

A scene of stomach-clenching gore confronted the special operations troops: The shredded remains of a suicide bomber, scattered around the checkpoint.

But the blood and body are fake, like the Hollywood-style explosion that began a classroom exercise designed to teach these students to look past the grisly mess for the evidence that could lead to those who built the bomb.

Oil prices spike 4% on Iran supply threats

Oil prices surged 4% Tuesday, fueled by continued anxiety over Iran's growing threat to shut down the Strait of Hormuz after the Iranian military launched a missile test.

Remembering 2011 Milestones -- Day Lee Briefing 12/30/2011

Dec 30, 2011

Remembering 2011 Milestones

June 14th: Bishop, Chaffetz, Hatch, Lee Introduce Bill to Protect Utah from Presidential Monument Designations

WASHINGTON – Congressman Rob Bishop (UT-01), Chairman of the House Natural Resources National Parks, Forests and Public Lands Subcommittee, today introduced the Utah Lands Sovereignty Act, which would protect Utah from future national monument designations made by Presidential executive order.  Congressman Jason Chaffetz (UT-03) co-sponsored the bill and Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Mike Lee (R-UT) introduced companion legislation in the Senate. In 1950, Congress passed a law that prohibited the future establishment of national monuments in Wyoming except as authorized by Congress. This legislation would provide Utah with the same level of protection.
Last year, Congressman Bishop obtained the internal Treasured Landscapes memo created by the Department of Interior that lists as many as 14 possible new national monuments, two of which are located in Utah.  In total, the memo, which has since generated a groundswell of opposition across the West, identifies as many as 13 million acres of federally owned land and approximately 26 million acres of private land as areas that could potentially be subject to national monument designations.
“We have seen far too many attempts by this Administration to circumvent the open congressional process in order to execute their political agenda— the Treasured Landscapes memo is just one of the many examples.  While I’m not necessarily opposed to national monuments, I do not support efforts to create new designations, locking up thousands of acres of land, without the support of our local communities, residents and stakeholders,” said Congressman Bishop. “Last week’s remarks made by former DOI Secretary Bruce Babbitt are a reminder that the Antiquities Act is still being considered as an avenue to lock up millions of acres of public lands.  It is clear that former Secretary Babbitt isn’t in the business of protecting hard-working Utahns, and is instead looking to fulfill the agendas of a handful of radical special interest groups.  This legislation provides a necessary safeguard to protect Utah from future national monument designations made through executive fiat.”
During a press conference held on June 08, 2011, former Department of Interior (DOI) Secretary Bruce Babbitt suggested that the President use the Antiquities Act as executive fiat to pressure Congress into implementing restrictive new land management policies. Babbitt stated that, “By voicing his willingness to use the Antiquities Act as an alternative to Wilderness designation, the president can bring Congress to the table to work out conservation measures acceptable to reasonable stakeholders.”  He went on to say that, “the best way to defend the Antiquities Act is for the president to use it.”  [read the entire transcript here]
“Utahns are all too familiar with the consequences of presidential administrations creating national monuments without public input or congressional approval. We have been living with lost jobs, economic inactivity and other fallout from the creation of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument since 1996. National monuments should not be created in secrecy and without the consent of Congress, this bill will ensure that they won’t here in Utah,” said Senator Hatch.
“The Antiquities Act is a misguided and outdated law that lends itself to abuse by the Executive Branch.  The Utah Lands Sovereignty Act improves the law to ensure local input is considered.  Decisions regarding control of our public lands rightfully belong to those closest to the situation and those most likely to be impacted.  Management of our public lands must reside in the hands of elected officials who are accountable to their local constituencies.  Congressional, state, and local leaders are the ones best equipped to manage these precious resources, and to make decisions regarding their future,” said Congressman Chaffetz.
“Proponents who have abused the system suggest Utah is being ‘honored’ with national monument designations.  Frankly, Utah has been ‘honored’ enough.  We lost nearly 2 million acres when the Clinton Administration created the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument without any input from Congress or state officials.  This bill will prevent that from happening again,” said Senator Lee.
The 1906 Antiquities Act allows the President to unilaterally designate new national monuments through executive order. This legislation would ensure that all future national monument designations in Utah are subject to the open Congressional process, which would provide Utahns and other westerners with the opportunity to have their voices heard.  Former President Bill Clinton used the Antiquities Act in 1996 to unilaterally designate the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in Utah without ever consulting the public or state, local and federal officials.
The total number of acres targeted as possible new national monuments in the Treasured Landscapes memo is more than the states of Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware and Rhode Island combined.


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All 47 Republicans voted to support #SJRes10, a #StrongBBA, that would have led to serious spending reform.


"@SenMikeLee and @jasoninthehouse defend liberties" 


Welcome home! RT @deseretnews: 7 Utah Airmen among the last military members to leave Iraq 


In 2011, the govnt spent $175k studying how cocaine affects quail mating habits: #thisisyourquailondrugs #tcot #tlot

Around the Water Cooler

Police plan tight security at Times Square

Less than two weeks after graduating from the New York City police academy, more than 1,500 rookie officers have a daunting first assignment: helping to protect Times Square on New Year's Eve.

The deployment is just one of an array of security measures - many visible, many not - that the New York Police Department rolls out each year for the event that turns the "Crossroads of the World" into a massive street party that stretches 17 blocks through the heart of Manhattan.

North Korea Says It Will Never Engage in Discussion with South Korea

North Korea warned the world Friday there would be no softening of its position toward South Korea's government after Kim Jong Il's death as Pyongyang strengthened his son and heir's authority with a new title: Great Leader.

Remembering 2011 Milestones -- Day Lee Briefing 12/29/2011

Dec 29, 2011

Remembering 2011 Milestones

March 31st: Lee, Hatch, Senate GOP Back Constitutional Amendment to Restrain Spending

WASHINGTON – Today, with the full backing of the Senate GOP Caucus, Senator Lee introduced an amendment to the Constitution to balance the federal budget. Sponsored by fellow Utah Senator Orrin Hatch and four others as principle cosponsors, the Hatch-Lee Balanced Budget Amendment is one of the most significant pieces of legislation introduced this year aimed at putting the country on a path to fiscal sustainability.

The central component of the bill states that total spending for the fiscal year must not exceed total receipts and must not exceed more than eighteen percent of the economy, as measured by gross domestic product.

Only a two-thirds vote by the House and Senate would allow Congress to run a deficit for a “specific excess” or raise taxes. Additionally, the amendment stipulates that a three-fifths vote would be necessary to increase the debt limit.

Two other very limited exceptions to the amendment allow spending in excess of receipts during a national security emergency or during a time of war. Three-fifths of Congress would be required to vote for a specific excess during a military conflict declared to be an imminent and serious military threat to our national security; and a just a simple majority vote would be needed during a declared war. The law becomes effective five years after ratification.

“When it comes to spending, Congress has proven it cannot be trusted to live within its means or spend only what the federal government takes in,” said Senator Lee. “Our annual deficit approaching $1.7 trillion and national debt of almost $15 trillion are a significant threat to our economy, job growth, and future prosperity. Only a structural restraint on spending, like a constitutional amendment, will force Congress to make the tough decisions about our national priorities and prevent digging the country deeper in debt.”

Once the bill is voted on and approved by two-thirds of Congress, it must then be ratified by three-fourths of all state legislatures to become an amendment to the Constitution. A bill earlier this year sponsored by Senator Lee expressing support for a balanced budget amendment received 58 votes in the Senate. All 47 Senate Republicans are supporting the amendment.


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Lee Sponsors Bill to Protect American Civil Liberties:


Dems oppose reforms to jobless benefits, just want to keep kicking the can down the street (and past the election)



Welcome home! RT @deseretnews: 7 Utah Airmen among the last military members to leave Iraq



A case for markets and a case for federalism, together in one place: #tcot #tlot #freemarket #markets #federalism


Around the Water Cooler

Foreign monitors energize Syrian protests

The presence of Arab League monitors in Syria has re-energized the anti-government protest movement, with tens of thousands turning out over the past three days in cities and neighborhoods where the observers are expected to visit. The huge rallies have been met by lethal gunfire from security forces apparently worried about multiple mass sit-ins modeled after Cairo's Tahrir Square.

Mother of accused U.S. spy says Iranian charges are false

The mother of an American on trial in Iran denied allegations that her son is a spy for the CIA, saying that anything he confessed to was coerced.

Iranian authorities allege that Amir Mirzaei Hekmati entered the country to infiltrate its intelligence system in order to accuse Iran of involvement in terrorist activities, according to the semi-official Fars news agency.

Remembering 2011 Milestones -- Day Lee Briefing 12/28/2011

Dec 28, 2011

Remembering 2011 Milestones

March 30th: Sen. Lee and Rep. Bishop Introduce Land Conveyance Legislation for Mantua, Utah

WASHINGTON– Today, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) and Congressman Rob Bishop (R-UT) introduced legislation to transfer three parcels of federally owned land in Box Elder County to the town of Mantua, Utah. Specifically, The Box Elder Utah Land Conveyance Act would convey nearly 32 acres of land that could be used by the community for multiple purposes, including the potential development of a new city cemetery, a new town hall, fire station, park or elementary school.

The parcels of land included in this legislation are located on the south end of town below 100 South and west of Main Street and Willard Peak Road. They are part of a larger tract originally owned by Hans Rasmussen, an early settler of Mantua, whose family deeded the land to the U.S. Forest Service in 1941 for $1.00. Under this legislation, the city of Mantua would not be required to pay for the land, but would assume all costs associated with surveying and development.

It is a testament to the growth of our state and cities like Mantua that this bill is necessary,” said Senator Lee, who sits on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee. “The city can use the land productively and the federal government has no pressing need for it. With the help of Rep. Bishop, I hope we can move this bill quickly through Congress.

There is absolutely no valid reason why the federal government should maintain ownership of this land, which has sat vacant and virtually unused for decades, when it could otherwise be utilized by the town of Mantua to meet the current challenges associated with its growth and expansion,” said Congressman Bishop, whose district encompasses all of Box Elder County. “The parcels of land we’re asking to have conveyed are relatively small in size but would have a significant impact on the future of this community.

In addition, Senator Lee is also introducing legislation to return forest service land to the town of Alta for a community center and fire station.  

On Twitter  


RT @jackiebodnar: Via @politico: The Supreme Court has scheduled oral arguments on legality of the health care reform law for March 26-28.  


Documents show politics energized Obama ‘green' programs


Welcome home! RT @deseretnews: 7 Utah Airmen among the last military members to leave Iraq


In 2011, the govnt spent $175k studying how cocaine affects quail mating habits: #thisisyourquailondrugs #tcot #tlot

Around the Water Cooler

Company to close at least 100 Sears, Kmart stores

After a disastrous holiday shopping season, the parent company of Sears and Kmart will close at least 100 stores to raise cash — a move that sparked speculation about whether the 125-year-old retailer can avoid a death spiral fed by declining sales and deteriorating stores.

Sears Holdings Corp., a pillar of American retailing that famously began with a mail-order catalog in the 1880s, declared Tuesday that it would no longer prop up "marginally performing" locations. The company pledged to refocus its efforts on stores that make money.

U.S. Navy won't tolerate 'disruption' through Strait of Hormuz

After four years without a job and two years living in a Motel 6 in Inglewood, Calif., Jay Payne is Christmas shopping for the first time in a long while.

His three children, ages 7, 13 and 15, have asked him for a Nintendo 3DS gaming console and a PlayStation system, gadgets the 37-year-old single father has frantically tried — and failed — to budget for. Payne, who landed a parking lot security job this month, is hunting for gifts in the few places he can afford: dollar stores.

Remembering 2011 Milestones -- Day Lee Briefing 12/21/2011

Dec 21, 2011

New federal standards were to kick in after the New Year requiring 100-watt bulbs to be more energy efficient. Then Congress, in a bill passed this month to keep the government running, blocked enforcement of the new law until October 2012.

Remembering 2011 Milestones -- Day Lee Briefing 12/20/2011

Dec 20, 2011

The Supreme Court announced Monday that it will hear three days of oral arguments on various pieces of the health reform law on March 26, 27 and 28 — just days after the law’s two-year anniversary.

2011 Milestones -- Day Lee Briefing 12/19/2011

Dec 19, 2011

The federal government is too big and too expensive and the temptation for Congress to continue to spend billions and even trillions of dollars it does not have is simply too high.

Cushioning the Fall -- Day Lee Briefing 12/16/2011

Dec 16, 2011

Today’s Agenda

Today, Senator Lee will be in Washington for a vote on an omnibus spending bill or a Continuing Resolution.


From the Senator’s Desk


From the Whip

The Senate will convene at 10:00am and will be in morning business until 12:00pm.

Roll Call Votes are expected today.

The current CR expires tonight at midnight. Democratic members of the appropriations conference committee finally signed the conference report last night. It is expected that the House will act on the conference report to accompany HR 2055, the Omnibus package, at some point today. The Senate will have to complete action on the bill following disposition in the House. If an agreement is not reached, another CR may be required.

The two Leaders continue to work on an agreement to consider a payroll tax compromise. On Thursday, the Majority Leader filed cloture on the motion to proceed to HR 3630, the House Payroll package. Unless an agreement is reached to hold the vote on Friday or a compromise agreement is reached, this vote will occur on Saturday morning. The House passed the bill 234-193 on Tuesday night (Payroll tax, UI, TANF, Doc fix, Job initiatives, etc.)


On Twitter

Bonus tweet from @moreron:


Around the Water Cooler

Speaker: Will keep pipeline language in tax bill

House Republicans will stick to their insistence that a bill extending a payroll tax cut and jobless benefits include language speeding work on a controversial oil pipeline, Speaker John Boehner said Friday.

The EPA vs. the Constitution

The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution declares that no person shall be “deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” This means that if the government infringes on your rights, you are entitled to mount a timely and meaningful defense of those rights in court. It’s one of the cornerstones of our entire legal system, with roots dating back at least as far as the Magna Carta, which declared, “No free man...shall be stripped of his rights or possessions...except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land.”

Looking Ahead

Tomorrow, Senator Lee will be back in Utah to meet with constituents.

Lee Sponsors Bill to Protect American Civil Liberties

Dec 15, 2011

Today, Senator Mike Lee co-sponsored the Due Process Guarantee Act of 2011, which clarifies that a declaration of war or authorization for the use of military force by Congress does not authorize the indefinite detention of American citizens or legal residents who are apprehended in the United States.