Sen. Lee Pays Tribute to Fallen Officer Francom on Senate Floor

Jan 24, 2012

Today, Senator Mike Lee spoke on the Senate floor about the tragic death of Utah policeman Jared Francom, who was shot in the line of duty on January 4th. A video of the speech is available here, and a transcript of Senator Lee’s remarks is below:
Mr. President, today I rise with a heavy heart to mourn the loss of Ogden police officer Jared Francom.
Earlier this month, on the evening of January 4th, 2012, Agent Francom was senselessly gunned down defending his fellow officers as they attempted to serve a search warrant in Ogden, Utah. Five other officers – Shawn Grogan, Kasey Burrell, Michael Rounkles, Nate Hutchinson, and Jason VanderWarf – were wounded in the gun battle.
A week later, a crowd of roughly 4000 family members, friends, and supporters, including more than a thousand uniformed officers, gathered at a public memorial for Jared to saygoodbye to one of America’s fallen heroes.
The sentiment from all that knew him was the same: Jared was a devoted family man, a dedicated father to his two young daughters, a fun loving brother and son to his family.
At the funeral, which I attended, I heard Jared’s brother Ben say he “taught people to care for each other and taught others to change the world like he was doing on the streets of Ogden.”
Commenting on the outpouring of support, Jared’s brother Travis said, “I know my brother would be proud, because we all are his family.”
Achieving a goal he’d set for himself as a young boy, Agent Francom became a member of the Ogden police force seven years ago and and was assigned to the Weber-Morgan Narcotics Strike Force.
Jared’s sacrifice should be a reminder to us of the incredible risks our brave law enforcement officers all take to protect the people they serve.  I have a deep and unwavering respect for the law enforcement community and, as a former Assistant U.S. Attorney, have seen up close how these men and women serve with honor, integrity, and dedication.
Jared Francom was no exception.  He will be remembered for giving his life in service to the people and community he loved.

State of the Union

Jan 24, 2012

Upon taking office, President Obama encountered one of the worst recessions in the country’s history. He faced tremendous challenges and made a compelling case during the election that he could solve them. To be sure, it would have been difficult for any President to make reforms that would have had an immediate effect on an economy that many believed had not yet hit bottom. But the country was ready to give “hope and change” a chance.

Lee Highlights Democrats' 1000 Days of Failure

Jan 23, 2012

The inability of the President and Democratic leadership in the Senate to produce and pass a budget for the American people in nearly three years is a stunning failure. We have gone 1000 days without a blueprint for America's priorities, and it has lead to more irresponsible spending and record-setting annual deficits. Future generations will pay through higher taxes, greater inflation, and diminished prosperity.

Back in Session -- Day Lee Briefing 01/23/2012

Jan 23, 2012

As indicated by the quotes above, this Administration has shown a proclivity towards reductions in health spending based upon cost-effectiveness – as well as a willingness to grant bureaucrats virtually unlimited power in the process. The article confirms all those beliefs, while at the same time showing yet another way in which the Administration would use government bureaucrats to restrict access to treatments. Federal workers – and the American people – should take note.

More Quantitative Easing Coming Soon? -- Day Lee Briefing 01/20/2012

Jan 20, 2012

The Federal Reserve is likely to step in with $1 trillion worth of easing that could be announced as soon as this month, according to a growing consensus of economists who see the recent uptick in economic growth as unsustainable.

My Thoughts on SOPA/PIPA -- Day Lee Briefing 1/19/2012

Jan 19, 2012

The sad reality however is that many individuals can’t afford a vacation to Disney World – or anywhere else, for that matter – because Obamacare has failed to live up to candidate Obama’s promises for lower insurance premiums. Recall that candidate Obama repeatedly promised his health care plan would LOWER premiums by $2,500 per family, and do so within his first term.

Reaffirming Opposition to PROTECT IP Act -- Day Lee Briefing 1/18/2012

Jan 18, 2012

Today’s Agenda

Today, Senator Lee is in Utah to meet with constituents.


From the Senator’s Desk

Courtesy of the Republican Policy Committee:

The website Stateline last week published an analysis of the major issues facing states in 2012, and not surprisingly Medicaid was high on that list.  While the recession hit states hard, Obamacare’s onerous new mandates have combined with the continued economic slowdown to inflict a devastating one-two punch on state budgets:

Two years ago, Medicaid eclipsed K-12 education as the most expensive item in state budgets.  Since then, it has only kept growing.  Medicaid now comprises 24 percent of state budgets, when federal funds are counted.  That’s up from 22 percent last year, according to the National Association of State Budget Officers.  The upward spiral seems to be continuing.  Even as states get ready to write their budgets for fiscal year 2013, which starts in July in most states, half of them expect to be wrestling with Medicaid shortfalls in their 2012 budgets, according to a survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation.  

Making the job for fiscal 2013 even more difficult for states are new federal restrictions and an increasing number of court rulings that limit states’ options for trimming their programs….Other restrictions on states come from [Obamacare], which prevents states from doing anything that would lower enrollment.  In addition, a new federal rule proposed late last year would require states to produce data showing that cuts to hospital and doctor fees won’t make it harder for Medicaid patients to get the care they need….[Under Obamacare,] states are barred from doing anything that would lower Medicaid enrollment below the income levels called for in the national health law’s 2014 Medicaid expansion.  That includes raising premiums and co-pays to levels the federal government considers unaffordable for low-income patients.  That leaves states with relatively few options when it comes to controlling Medicaid costs. They can reduce provider fees and eliminate optional benefits.

As the article demonstrates, Medicaid is a large – and growing – share of state budgets, and has increasingly begun to crowd out other potential priorities like education, corrections, transportation, etc.  Yet Obamacare only makes this budgetary mess worse, imposing new unfunded mandates of at least $118 billion.  Thus, even as the states (slowly) start to recover from the budgetary effects of the recession, the budgetary effects of Obamacare will have consequences for years – even decades – to come.


On Twitter


Here are my thoughts on #SOPA #PIPA: ? ?? ? ??? ????: Please RT to ??????? ?????? ?????????? ?? ??? internet.


"The fight over jobs is a pivotal issue in the Keystone XL war." #KXL #4jobs



@SenMikeLee Reaffirms Opposition to PROTECT IP Act: #PIPA #SOPA #utpol


A likely date for Greek default, and how the bailouts made things worse: #AmericanFuture? #euro #eu #tcot #tlot #debt


Around the Water Cooler

Lee Reaffirms Opposition to PROTECT IP Act

Today, Senator Mike Lee reaffirmed his opposition to the PROTECT IP Act, flawed legislation that would unduly burdened certain online businesses, threaten Internet security, and stifle innovation. 


Obama: No on oil pipeline, more review needed

President Barack Obama says he's denying an application for a Canada-to-Texas oil pipeline because a GOP-mandated deadline didn't allow time for a full review.

Obama says his decision isn't a judgment on the merits of the proposed $7 billion pipeline. Rather, he's citing the "arbitrary nature" of the Feb. 21 deadline that was set by a GOP-written provision in a recent tax bill that Obama signed.

Lee Reaffirms Opposition to PROTECT IP Act

Jan 18, 2012

Today, Senator Mike Lee reaffirmed his opposition to the PROTECT IP Act, flawed legislation that would unduly burdened certain online businesses, threaten Internet security, and stifle innovation.

Remembering 2011 Milestones -- Day Lee Briefing 1/17/2012

Jan 17, 2012

Remembering 2011 Milestones

November 3rd: Lee’s Land Conveyance Bills Pass Senate

WASHINGTON - Last night, the Senate approved legislation introduced by Senator Mike Lee to authorize the transfer of vacant and virtually unused federal land in Utah to the growing cities of Mantua and Alta. The bills were approved by unanimous consent and represent the first pieces of legislation authored by Senator Lee to pass the full Senate.

Under the passed legislation, Mantua will gain control of nearly 32 acres of land in Box Elder County that was originally owned by Hans Rasmussen, an early settler of Mantua. His family eventually deeded the land to the U.S. Forest Service in 1941 for $1.00. Mantua will not be required to pay for the land.

If passed by the House and signed by President Obama, Senator Lee’s bill will allow Alta to assume control over Forest Service land that will be used for a community center and fire station.

It is a testament to the success of our state and cities like Mantua and Alta that these bills are necessary,” said Senator Lee, who sits on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee. “These cities can use the land productively and the federal government has no pressing need for it. I hope that the House will move quickly on Congressman Rob Bishop’s version of this legislation.


On Twitter


@youtah Have you read my latest statement on #PIPA:


"The fight over jobs is a pivotal issue in the Keystone XL war." #KXL #4jobs



Reminder: We will resume our Utah Press Tele-Conference next week. Let me know if you need anything in the meantime!


The president also insists that today is Monday, LSU won Nat. Championship, and Howard Taft leading in S. Carolina #recessgate #tcot #tlot


Around the Water Cooler

Obama requests $1.2T hike in nation's debt limit

President Barack Obama asked Congress Thursday for another $1.2 trillion increase in the nation's debt limit, a request that is largely a formality but which carries election-year implications.

It was the third and final such request the president was allowed under a deal the White House reached with lawmakers in August to prevent a government default.


Italian cruise captain committed 'mortal sin' by disembarking early, American Maritime Officers Union official says

The captain of a capsized cruise ship made repeated excuses as an Italian coast guard official repeatedly ordered him to get back on the vessel potentially still packed with thousands of frightened passengers and crew, a recording released Tuesday reveals.

Capt. Francesco Schettino can be heard on the recorded telephone conversation with Italian Coast Guard Capt. Gregorio De Falco telling the official that he does not want to return to the ship despite ongoing evacuations after it struck a rock late Friday and capsized.

Lee Adds Major General (Ret) Condon as Senior Policy Advisor

Jan 17, 2012

Senator Mike Lee announced the addition of Air Force Major General (Retired) Pat Condon as a senior advisor on military issues. General Condon served on active duty in the Air Force for 33 years, commanding at different times the Air Force Armament Laboratory at Eglin AFB, FL, the Arnold Engineering Development Center at Arnold Air Force Base, TN, and the Ogden Air Logistics Center at Utah’s own Hill AFB. He has also served in the office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition in the Pentagon and as the Director of Plans and Programs in Headquarters Air Force Materiel Command at Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. Condon holds a PhD in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.