Whole Thing Goes Down -- Day Lee Briefing 03/28/2012

Mar 28, 2012

The Supreme Court concluded a marathon public debate on health care Wednesday with justices signaling an ideological divide that could topple some or all of the the sweeping reform bill championed by President Barack Obama.

Lee Reacts to Oral Argument on Individual Mandate

Mar 27, 2012

The Obama administration’s argument that the federal government can compel citizens to purchase health insurance did not appear to sway these five justices, and their questions to the Solicitor General suggested they look on the constitutionality of the individual mandate with great skepticism. It will be interesting to see how the justices respond to the 'severability’ arguments tomorrow, which will determine whether some or all of the law is struck down. But there is little doubt that the individual mandate will not survive.

Obamacare Oral Arguments: Day Lee Briefing 03/27/3012

Mar 27, 2012

Sharp questioning by the Supreme Court's conservative justices cast serious doubt Tuesday on the survival of the individual insurance requirement at the heart of President Barack Obama's historic health care overhaul.

ObamaCare’s Backwards Approach to the Constitution

Mar 26, 2012

The arguments made by proponents of ObamaCare thus turn the Constitution on its head and would create a federal government of unlimited power where the Constitution authorizes a federal government of limited, enumerated powers. Because none of the federal government’s enumerated powers authorizes the kind of government coercion imposed by ObamaCare, that law must be considered unconstitutional.

Hatch, Lee, Bishop Welcome Air Force Secretary to Hill Air Force Base

Mar 26, 2012

The time to fight for the mission of Hill Air Force Base is now. If we wait until we face another round of BRAC, it may be too late to preserve the vital service the base provides to Utah and the country. I am encouraged by Secretary Donley’s visit and believe Hill AFB continues to be one of the military’s most well-run installations.

Senators Unveil Bipartisan Proposal to Boost Economy by Cutting Through Red Tape that has Hurt International Travel to U.S.

Mar 26, 2012

With the economy just starting to turn the corner, a bipartisan group of senators unveiled a new proposal Monday that will boost the U.S. economy and create jobs by jumpstarting international travel to the United States. The legislation—named the Jobs Originated through Launching Travel (“JOLT”) Act—will reform outdated visa laws to cut through red tape that has caused a lag in foreign travel to the U.S.

Lee Releases Third Video on Supreme Court, ObamaCare

Mar 26, 2012

Today, Senator Mike Lee released the third in a series of videos giving viewers an inside look at the Supreme Court, its procedures, and the constitutional issues surrounding ObamaCare that will be debated in the nation’s high court this week.

Obamacare Hearings Day 1 -- Day Lee Briefing 03/25/2012

Mar 26, 2012

The Supreme Court plunged into debate Monday on the fate of the Obama administration’s overhaul of the nation’s health care system, and the justices gave every indication they will not allow an obscure tax law to derail the case.

Governor Herbert, Federal Delegation, and State Legislators Join Together to Demand Transfer of Public Lands to Utah

Mar 23, 2012

Today, Utah Governor Gary R. Herbert signed House Bill 148, which demands the federal government make good on the promises made in the 1894 Enabling Act to extinguish title to federal lands in Utah.

Lee Releases Video Describing Experience as Supreme Court Law Clerk

Mar 23, 2012

Today, Senator Mike Lee released the second in a series of videos giving viewers a behind-the-scenes explanation of the Supreme Court, its procedures, and the constitutional questions surrounding ObamaCare that will be before the court starting next week.