Congressional Overreach -- Day Lee Briefing 04/04/12

Apr 4, 2012

Today’s Agenda

Today, Senator Lee is in Utah to meet with constituents.

From the Senator’s Desk

On Twitter


RT @gsmittysmith: With @SenMikeLee #utpol #iamproisrael


PIC: Sen Lee takes questions from Emery County officials and business owners in Castle Dale #leetownhall #utpol


Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Pat Condon joins @SenMikeLee as policy adviser #utpol #airforce


The #nationaldebt forces a burden of $684,330 upon every American family: #tcot #tlot #debt #deficit

Around the Water Cooler

Texas judge confronts Obama administration over 'judicial restraint' statement

A federal judge in Texas is demanding that the Department of Justice clarify whether President Obama's dig about "judicial restraint" means the administration thinks the Judicial Branch has no right to overturn unconstitutional laws.

Obama signs insider trading ban by lawmakers

President Barack Obama signed legislation Wednesday barring members of Congress, the president and thousands of federal workers from profiting from nonpublic information learned on the job, calling it an embodiment of the fundamental American value of fair play.

Green River and Blanding Townhalls -- Day Lee Briefing 04/03/2012

Apr 3, 2012

Townhall meetings today in Green River and Blanding

Senator Lee Commends FTC’s Careful Analysis

Apr 2, 2012

“Our antitrust laws serve important purposes, but federal regulators should not interfere with productive market forces absent evidence demonstrating a significant threat to consumer welfare. Based on the evidence presented at our Antitrust Subcommittee hearing, I am convinced that although significant in size this merger does not pose a threat to robust competition. I am pleased that the FTC’s extensive investigation corroborated my view and demonstrated that this transaction is unlikely to have adverse affects on the PBM and specialty drug markets or lead to the exercise of monopsony power over retail pharmacies, and that the merger may well lead to lower prices for PBM services.”

Letting States Control Their Land -- Day Lee Briefing 04/02/2012

Apr 2, 2012

Senator Lee is quoted on Utah's attempt to reclaim the federal lands within its borders.

Obama Versus the Supreme Court -- Day Lee Briefing 03/30/12

Mar 30, 2012

Today’s Agenda

Today, Senator Lee is in Utah to meet with constituents.

From the Senator’s Desk

On Twitter


In the House today they voted on President Obama's budget. It lost 414-0.



Encouraging that majority of House GOP voted 4 @RepublicanStudy budget Shows we are still party of fiscal discipline



Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Pat Condon joins @SenMikeLee as policy adviser #utpol #airforce



Obama #budget fails to get a single supporting vote... again: #tcot #tlot #deficit #spendingproblem

Around the Water Cooler

High court has options on health care law

The arguments are done and the case has been submitted, as Chief Justice John Roberts says at the end of every Supreme Court argument. Now the justices will wrestle with what to do with President Barack Obama's health care overhaul. They have a range of options, from upholding the law to striking it down in its entirety. The court also could avoid deciding the law's constitutionality at all, although that prospect seems remote after this week's arguments.

Obama, taking on Congress, could find new foe in Supreme Court

President Obama might be campaigning this summer not just against the GOP nominee and congressional Republicans but also the Supreme Court.

Obama faces a bigger and more direct threat from the court than any candidate in recent history. The justices are expected to rule in June on whether his signature healthcare law is constitutional, and oral arguments this week indicated there’s a good chance they will strike down at least part of the law: the mandate to have insurance.

Lee Introduces the Federal Reserve Modernization Act

Mar 29, 2012

Today, Senator Mike Lee introduced legislation that would make much needed reforms to the nation’s Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve Modernization Act (FRMA) will focus the Fed’s mission on price stability, require better reporting and make the organization more transparent to Americans.

SENATE JUDICIARY: Obamacare not an enumerated power

Mar 29, 2012

This month marks the two-year anniversary of Obamacare’s enactment. For most Americans, it is not a time to celebrate with cake or confetti; it is a solemn acknowledgment of the looming implementation of Obamacare’s most controversial provision - the “individual mandate” that will force every American to purchase government-approved health insurance.

Medicaid and Coercion -- Day Lee Briefing 03/29/2012

Mar 29, 2012

As the Supreme Court hears three days of oral arguments this week about the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), Sen. Mike Lee is doing his best to keep Americans apprised about what's happening at the high court.

Introducing the Federal Reserve Modernization Act

Mar 28, 2012

Ensuring the 21st century is another American century should be Congress’s top priority. There is no reason for America to take a backseat to China or any nation as the world’s economic superpower. Congress’s role in the effort is clear—it can either lay the policy foundation for, or create hurdles against, achieving economic prosperity.

Obama's constitutional disregard

Mar 28, 2012

As inconvenient as constitutional limits may seem, individual liberty requires that they be respected. In fact, it is precisely when temptation is greatest to disregard constitutional structures to achieve some national policy outcome that our Constitution’s limits must be enforced. As the Supreme Court once explained, though the Constitution’s restrictions may at times appear “formalistic” and may prohibit measures that are “the product of the era’s perceived necessity,” our founding document wisely “protects us from our own best intentions … so that we may resist the temptation to concentrate power in one location as an expedient solution to the crisis of the day.”