Lee Responds to Interior Secretary’s Comments on Utah Lands

Apr 25, 2012

More than two-thirds of all the land within Utah’s borders is owned by the federal government, which makes it very difficult to grow our state economy, pay for education, and create new opportunities for Utahns. The President and his advisers like to talk about fairness, yet how fair is it that the state of Utah must ask for federal permission to use the vast majority of their own land?

Playing Politics with Medicare Advantage -- Day Lee Briefing 04/24/12

Apr 24, 2012

Today’s Agenda

Today, Senator Lee will meet with representatives of the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation, the Farm Bureau Federation, the Center for Persons with Disabilities, and Weber State University. He will also be a guest on American Family Radio at 8:20 AM EDT (6:20 MDT), and he will host a Utah tele-press conference at 6:15 PM EDT (4:15 EDT).

From the Senator’s Desk

Ahead of this afternoon’s release of the official Medicare trustees report, the Administration is out with its own “study” attempting to put a positive spin on Obamacare’s impact on Medicare.  The report claims that Obamacare will “save” $200 billion between now and 2016.  However, those claims are based on spending reductions that the non-partisan Medicare actuary believes “would become unsustainable and that Congress would likely override or modify them.”  If the spending reductions are not overridden, the actuary has stated that 15 percent of hospitals and other providers could become unprofitable by 2019, and up to 40 percent of providers could become unprofitable in the long term.

A Government Accountability Office (GAO) report released today makes this exact point – illustrating how the Obama Administration created an $8 billion Medicare Advantage demonstration program that overrides many of Obamacare’s cuts.   GAO found that this massive demonstration project “is at least seven times larger than that of any other Medicare demonstration conducted since 1995 and is greater than the combined budgetary impact of all of those demonstrations.”  According to GAO, the demonstration “precludes a credible evaluation of its effectiveness,” and is instead focused on shelling out money to temporarily undo much of Obamacare’s cuts – a whopping 71% of Obamacare’s Medicare Advantage cuts will be undone in 2012, compared to just 32% in 2013 and 16% in 2014. (Can anyone think of a reason why the Obama Administration might want to undo the Medicare Advantage cuts this year…?)  For all these reasons, as a New York Post op-ed this morning noted, the demonstration program looks suspiciously like a political attempt by the President to avoid angering seniors by cutting Medicare Advantage while running for re-election.

The GAO report proves how the Administration’s study is fundamentally flawed.  The Administration report assumes all the Medicare spending reductions will go into effect, but the GAO report illustrates how the Obama White House has already reversed one of the major spending reductions – the Medicare Advantage cuts – in order to fend off political dissent during the President’s re-election campaign.  The Associated Press previously reported on the Medicare Advantage demonstration last year, noting that the program “could head off service cuts that would have been a [political] headache for Obama and Democrats in next year’s elections.”  Even a former Democrat staffer who worked in the Clinton Administration admitted that the effort amounted to a political stunt: “It’s fair to say that [Medicare] could not tolerate dislocation, given the political climate.”

While Obamacare’s spending reductions are subject to alteration for political purposes, the new spending on the law’s massive new entitlements are sacrosanct, and virtually guaranteed to take effect if President Obama remains in office.  Of course, undermining the spending reductions while keeping the new spending would make the entire law, and Medicare itself, even more fiscally unsustainable than the status quo.  That’s why, when it comes to today’s dueling reports, don’t believe what the Administration says in its spin-laden study – look at what it already did to undermine politically unpalatable spending reductions.

On Twitter


Fairness in the market means companies compete on a level playing field, and no one receives special treatment: http://ow.ly/aos67 #taxes


For those using #dontdoublemyrate, are you aware the president is #doublingyourdebt?


.@SenMikeLee spends a lot of time in that room! RT @gretawire: Senate Judiciary Com Room http://pic.twitter.com/3KNkZ0dd


How much does it cost to move a single bush? $205,075 if you're in government: http://bit.ly/HI9E3z #tcot #tlot

Around the Water Cooler

Democrats' latest tax target: Private corporations

First it was people earning at least $1 million a year. Now Democrats seeking their next election-year target for tax increases on better-off Americans may have found it: the owners of many privately held corporations.

Stocks: Blue chips take cue from earnings

U.S. stocks finished mixed Tuesday, with the Dow holding onto solid gains, while Netflix's disappointing outlook weighed down tech stocks.

"Stocks are moving higher today on the back of decent earnings reports, but overall, I think investors are wondering whether the economic and market momentum that boosted stocks from last October through March is starting to fade," said Michael Sheldon, chief market strategist at RDM Financial Group.

Looking Ahead

Tomorrow, Senator Lee will meet with representatives of NASA, the Club for Growth, the Western Energy Alliance, the American College of Radiology, and eBay business owners. He will also host a Jell-O bar for visitors at 3:30 PM EDT (1:30 MDT).

Corporate Tax Fairness -- Day Lee Briefing 04/23/2012

Apr 23, 2012

Fairness in the market means companies compete on a level playing field, and no one receives special treatment.

Weekly Wrap-up -- Day Lee Briefing 04/20/12

Apr 20, 2012

This week, the Senate focused on the “Buffett Rule” and tax issues in general. Senator Lee, who sits on the Joint Economic Committee, offered some prepared remarks at a JEC hearing on taxation. A full transcript can be viewed here, and an excerpt is below:

“Our current tax code is just way too complicated, biased against saving, and distorts economic behavior.  Also, we have the unfortunate distinction of having the highest corporate tax rate in the world.  Not surprisingly, this has not provided incentive for corporations to stay or relocate here – resulting in the flight of jobs and capital away from the U.S.”

The senator also took the opportunity to ask Dr. Kevin Haslett, who has a PhD in tax economics yet finds the tax code so complex that he will not do his own taxes, questions about federal tax policy in a Joint Economic Committee hearing:

Beyond the subject of taxes, Senator Lee expressed his support this week for the Senate Republican Conference’s decision to hire lawyer Miguel Estrada for the purpose of filing an amicus brief in a case challenging the unconstitutional “recess” appointments made by President Obama in January. Part of the senator’s statement:

“President Obama’s unconstitutional appointments are fundamentally different than the recess appointments of any other president in our nation’s history.  President Obama unilaterally appointed individuals to important executive positions when the Senate was not in recess, asserting that he may independently determine when the Senate is and is not in session.”

The full statement can be found here.

In the News

President Obama Checks Others' Power, But Not His Own

There is no better example than Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah). The senator showed the appropriate amount of deference to many of the president’s wishes and appointments, voting for those he fundamentally disagreed with that were otherwise good men and women. However, Sen. Lee has now taken the lead in demonstrating that the president’s desires do not carry the weight of a royal decree.  He along with many others in his chamber are standing up to the president, demanding that he recognize their constitutionally guaranteed rights as representatives of the people and as citizens of this country.

LEE: “Buffett Rule” Attempting to Divide, Distract Americans

Lee discussed President Obama’s push to distract Americans with the “Buffett Rule,” legislation that raises taxes on job creators and ignores the need for comprehensive tax reform.

Around Capitol Hill

Senate GOP joining legal action against Obama recess appointments

Reviving an issue that angered Republicans and some business groups this year, Senate Republicans plan to file an amicus brief in support of a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of recent recess appointments by President Obama.

Congress poised to hit GSA on spending

Dan Tangherlini, meet Capitol Hill.

Congress returns to Washington next week with its mind on taxes but its sights on another target: the General Services Administration (GSA).

The Little Guy Pays For It -- Day Lee Briefing 04/19/12

Apr 19, 2012

Today’s Agenda

Today, Senator Lee will meet with representatives of the Mortgage Bankers Association, the US Soccer Foundation, and the National Right to Life Committee.

From the Senator’s Desk

From the Whip

The Senate will convene at 9:30am and will resume consideration of the motion to proceed to S. 1925, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act. 

The managers of the postal reform bill continue to work on a finite list of amendments.  If an agreement is not reached, the cloture vote(s) will ripen at 2:15pm. 

At 2:15pm, the Senate will resume consideration of S. 1789, the Postal Reform bill, and will proceed to a Roll Call Vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the Lieberman/Collins substitute amendment #2000, as modified.  If cloture is not invoked, the Senate will immediately proceed to a cloture vote on the underlying bill.

Roll Call Votes are expected today.

Wednesday’s Session:

Roll Call Votes:

There were no votes

UC Items:

S. Res.406 (Alliance to Save Energy)

S. Res.425 (National Adopt a Library Day)

S. Res.426 (Baylor University Women’s Basketball)

On Twitter


Fairness in the market means companies compete on a level playing field, and no one receives special treatment: http://ow.ly/aos67 #taxes


If Boehner stepped in to block Paul Ryan from submitting a budget, media would be all over it. When Reid does it to Conrad, total silence


Jell-O is served! Come on by Hart 316 #utpol http://pic.twitter.com/Ma7lzslm


How meaningless is the #BuffettRule when it comes to #deficit reduction? This meaningless: http://bit.ly/HArFMs #tcot #tlot #debt #budget

Around the Water Cooler

Momentum in US hiring, home sales appears to slow

Momentum in U.S. hiring and home sales appears to be slowing, according to fresh data.

Stocks fall on weak U.S. economic data

Stocks finished lower Thursday, as a trifecta of downbeat U.S. economic reports overshadowed encouraging signs out of corporate America and Europe.

Looking Ahead

Tomorrow, Senator Lee will be back in Utah to meet with constituents.

Corporate Tax “Fairness” that is Anything But

Apr 19, 2012

Far from making the corporate tax system "fair," the president’s corporate tax plan punishes smaller businesses, worsens the punitive double taxation of American companies that operate overseas, and, at a time when gas prices are spiking, selectively hikes taxes on American oil producers.

How Taxation of Capital Affects Growth and Employment

Apr 17, 2012

I am glad we are discussing this topic today because I believe strongly that our tax system is in great need of reform. Our current tax code is just way too complicated, biased against saving, and distorts economic behavior. Also, we have the unfortunate distinction of having the highest corporate tax rate in the world. Not surprisingly, this has not provided incentive for corporations to stay or relocate here – resulting in the flight of jobs and capital away from the U.S.

Lee Backs Pick To Defend Against Unconstitutional Appointments

Apr 17, 2012

I commend Leader McConnell for having chosen Miguel Estrada, a superb advocate, to articulate the Senate's crucial perspective in the litigation over President Obama's unconstitutional “recess” appointments. At stake is nothing less than the Senate’s rightful constitutional prerogatives.

Buffett Rule Voted Down -- Day Lee Briefing 04/17/2012

Apr 17, 2012

Today’s Agenda

Today, Senator Lee will meet with representatives of AIPAC, Taco Bell, and SUU Students of Fine Arts. He will also attend a Joint Economic Committee hearing on the taxation of capital, and he will hold a Utah tele-press conference at 6:15 PM EDT (4:15 MDT).

From the Senator’s Desk

From the Whip

The Senate will convene at 10:00am and will be in a period of morning business until 11:00am.

Following morning business, the Senate will resume consideration of the motion to proceed to S. 1789, the Postal Reform bill, for 10 minutes of debate.

At 11:10am, the Senate will proceed to a Roll Call Vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to S. 1789.

The Senate will recess from 12:30 - 2:15pm for the weekly policy lunches.


Monday’s Session

Roll Call Votes:

-Confirmation of Stephanie Thacker of West Virginia to be US Circuit Judge for the 4th Circuit (91-3) confirmed

-Cloture on the motion to proceed to S.2230 (Buffett Rule)(51-45) not invoked

There were No UC Items


On Twitter

Featured Tweets

Around the Water Cooler

Space shuttle Discovery lands at new museum home

Space shuttle Discovery soared around the Washington Monument and the White House in a salute to the nation's capital Tuesday before landing for the last time near its new museum home.

Taliban commander turns self in... for reward on ‘Wanted’ poster

Sometimes, capturing a Taliban commander requires vast resources and complex operations. Last week in eastern Afghanistan, it hinged on an insurgent’s “improbable stupidity,” as one U.S. official put it.

Looking Ahead

Tomorrow, Senator Lee will meet with representatives of the Military Officers Association, Molina Healthcare, Varian Medical Systems, Utah Certified Commercial Investment Members, and the National Shooting Sports Foundation. He will also attend a prayer breakfast and host a Jell-O bar for office visitors at 3:30 EDT (1:30 MDT).

Ending Abuse of the Commerce Clause -- Day Lee Briefing 04/16/12

Apr 16, 2012

Today’s Agenda

Today, Senator Lee will fly back to Washington.

From the Senator’s Desk

From the Whip

The Senate will convene at 2:00pm today and will resume consideration of the motion to proceed to S. 2230, the Whitehouse Buffett Rule bill. 

The time until 4:30pm will be equally divided.  

At 4:30pm, the Senate will begin 1 hour of debate on the nomination of Stephanie Dawn Thacker, of West Virginia, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Fourth Circuit.

At 5:30pm, the Senate will conduct 2 Roll Call Votes on confirmation of the Thacker nomination and cloture on the motion to proceed to S. 2230.

Reminder - a motion to reconsider was entered on the failed cloture vote on the motion to proceed to S. 1789, the Postal Reform bill. 



The next recess is April 30 – May 4th.

Other legislative possibilities for this work session include: Postal Reform (S. 1789); NLRB “Ambush Elections” Congressional Review Act Resolution of Disapproval (Enzi); Violence Against Women Act (S. 1925); Cybersecurity bill (S. 2105); Highway bill (extension expires June 1), Credit Union bill (S. 2231); a bill to provide congressional authority to consolidate six agencies within the Federal government; “Jobs” bills; Protect IP Act; and additional executive nominations.

On Twitter


Busy week for my mobile office. Visiting Beaver, Iron, Garfield, & Piute counties: http://ow.ly/ajyas #utpol


We all know #BuffettRule has nothing to do w/ jobs or deficit. Now we see no one is buying the "fairness" schtick http://bit.ly/HLKRqM


@stephcondoncbs I saw that you wrote on the #BuffettRule today. Here is Senator Lee's take on the situation: http://bit.ly/Hxg2Hh


How meaningless is the #BuffettRule when it comes to #deficit reduction? This meaningless: http://bit.ly/HArFMs #tcot #tlot #debt #budget

Around the Water Cooler

GOP, Dems clash over Obama tax boosts on wealthy

The day before Americans' taxes were due, Senate Republicans defied President Barack Obama on Monday and prepared to block a Democratic "Buffett rule" bill requiring the nation's top earners to pay at least 30 percent of their income in taxes.

Bill Maher facing bipartisan criticism over Ann Romney remarks

Bill Maher is facing bipartisan criticism -- most recently from one of President Obama's former top advisers -- for controversial comments he made last week about Mitt Romney's wife.

Looking Ahead

Tomorrow, Senator Lee will meet with representatives of AIPAC and SUU Students of Fine Arts. He will also hold a Utah tele-press conference at 6:15 PM EDT (4:15 MDT).