Keeping an Eye on the 9th Circuit -- Day Lee Briefing 6/13/2012

Jun 13, 2012

Today’s Agenda

Today, Senator Lee will meet with representatives of the American Heritage School Tour. He will also be a guest on Fox News Channel’s Fox & Friends at 7:15 AM EDT (5:15 MDT) and KSL Radio’s Utah Morning News with Grant and Amanda at 10:45 AM EDT (8:45 MDT).


From the Senator’s Desk


On Twitter

Around the Water Cooler

French president warns Greeks over euro

The new French president has warned Greeks that if they vote to move away from international bailout commitments in the upcoming election, they could be pushed out of the eurozone.


Iran, North Korea, Sudan rack up millions by trading UN carbon credits

The U.N. is funneling millions of dollars worth of tradable carbon credits to corrupt nations worldwide, including Iran, North Korea, Sudan, and Uzbekistan in an attempt to encourage clean energy projects in the developing world.


Looking Ahead

Tomorrow, Senator Lee will meet with representatives of the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation and the National Young Leaders Conference.

Exercising Caution with the Ninth Circuit Court -- Day Lee Briefing 06/12/12

Jun 12, 2012

Today’s Agenda 

Today, Senator Lee will meet with representatives of Court Appointed Special Advocates and the American Academy of Pediatrics. He will also question Attorney General Eric Holder in a Judiciary Committee hearing, and be a guest on KNRS radio at 6:20 PM EDT (4:20 MDT).


From the Senator’s Desk 


On Twitter

Watch: my questions to AG Eric #Holder from earlier today: #tcot #utpol

.@WSJ: Obama's Real Spending Record #MakingItWorse

VIDEO: Sen. Lee discusses his opposition to 9th circuit nominee#Hurwitz, citing work on Roe v. Wade:

@SenMikeLee on exercising caution with nominees to the#NinthCircuit Court of Appeals: #judiciary #tcot#tlot


Around the Water Cooler

Republicans want outside prosecutor to probe leaks

Attorney General Eric Holder on Tuesday fended off Republican demands that he appoint a special counsel outside of the Justice Department to look into national security leaks.

May budget deficit up from year earlier

The U.S. government posted a budget deficit of $125 billion in May, more than twice the level registered in the same month last year.


Looking Ahead

Tomorrow, Senator Lee will meet with representatives of the American Heritage School Tour. He will also be a guest on Fox News Channel’s Fox & Friends at 7:15 AM EDT (5:15 MDT) and KSL Radio’s Utah Morning News with Grant and Amanda at 10:45 AM EDT (8:45 MDT).

Lee Opposes Nomination of Andrew Hurwitz

Jun 12, 2012

Today, Senator Mike Lee spoke on the Senate floor opposing the nomination of Andrew Hurwitz for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Senator Lee noted that Mr. Hurwitz has closely associated himself with the misguided reasoning behind the controversial abortion rights decision in Roe v. Wade.

Bernanke Confident in Tools Concerned about Timing -- Day Lee Briefing 6/11/2012

Jun 11, 2012

Lawmakers are working to block an unprecedented power grab by the Environmental Protection Agency to use the Clean Water Act (CWA) and control land alongside ditches, gullies and other ephemeral spots by claiming the sources are part of navigable waterways.

Floor Speech on Nomination of Andrew Hurwitz

Jun 11, 2012

I spoke on the Senate floor today about my opposition to the nomination of Andrew Hurwitz to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Below is a transcript of my remarks:

The Supreme Court Can and Must Enforce the Constitution

Jun 7, 2012

it simply is not the case that a court can properly be described as activist just because it enforces the Constitution's structural limits on federal power.

Bracket Creep -- Day Lee Briefing 6/06/2012

Jun 6, 2012

However, today is the first time CBO has stated publicly that Obamacare will cause what amounts to a new form of “bracket creep” – whereby smaller and smaller shares of the population will be eligible for subsidies

Employers Against ObamaCare -- Day Lee Briefing 06/05/12

Jun 5, 2012

Today’s Agenda

Today, Senator Lee will meet with representatives of Heating, Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Distributors, Magna Water, and the office of Utah’s Attorney General.


From the Senator’s Desk


On Twitter


The American people overwhelmingly reject #obamacare and its individual mandate:



This "is not a recovery at all.” #WhereAreTheJobs @wsj



MT @SenLeeComs: Fed Chrmn Bernanke to testify before Joint Economic Committee on Thurs. @SenMikeLee will ask abt poor#jobs report



Abysmal #jobs report, #Dow in the red for the year, #GDP forecasts slashed... #WelcometotheRecovery#tcot #tlot #economy


Around the Water Cooler

Poll: Employers say striking entire health law is best outcome

Most American employers believe that a Supreme Court decision rejecting the entire healthcare law would be the best option for their finances, a new poll finds.


Looking Ahead

Tomorrow, Senator Lee will meet with representatives of the Rocky Mountain Propane Association, Utah home builders, PARC, the Utah Cattleman’s Association, and the Council for National Policy. He will also host a Jell-O bar for office visitors at 3:30 PM EDT (1:30 MDT).

Poll: Overwhelming Majority Still Opposes Unconstitutional Mandate

Jun 5, 2012

A new poll shows Americans overwhelmingly continue to oppose a provision of the president’s signature legislation, ObamaCare, which would require individuals to purchase health insurance.

Town Hall in Nephi Tonight -- Day Lee Briefing 5/31/2012

May 31, 2012

oday, Senator Lee is meeting with constituents and community leaders from Millard County, Juab County, and Nephi. He will be hosting a youth town hall in Nephi from 6:00 PM (MDT) to 7:00 PM, and a general town hall in Nephi from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM.