Protecting Life in Foreign Assistance
Feb 3, 2021
Madam President,
The whole point of American foreign aid is to assist countries in times of need, and in support of a common interest between them and us.
And yet, for many years our foreign aid dollars have been used to impose violent cultural imperialism… by promoting and providing for the practice of abortion.
Thanking the Utah National Guard
Jan 26, 2021
Mr. President,
Some of our nation’s finest answered the call of duty here in our nation’s Capitol over the past weeks to assist with a peaceful transition of power.
These dedicated men and women in the National Guard have taken an oath to protect that bedrock document of our Founding, the Constitution – and indeed they have.
Remarks on the March for Life
Jan 26, 2021
Mr. President,
This past week, we marked the anniversary of a deadly day in American history that has resulted in the loss of millions of innocent American lives: the anniversary of Roe v. Wade.
Since January 22, 1973, more than 60 million unborn children have been lost to the scourge of abortion.
Sen. Lee Speaks on Counting Electoral Votes
Jan 6, 2021
Mr. President, at the time I prepared my remarks for today—it seems like a lifetime ago; a lot has changed in last few hours. So I’m going to deliver the same remarks, but it has a little bit of a different feel than it would have just a few hours ago.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the family members of those who have been injured or killed today. My heartfelt gratitude goes out to the Capitol Hill Police who valiantly defended our building and our lives.
Gov. Gary Herbert’s Retirement
Dec 31, 2020
Mr./Madam President,
I rise today to honor my friend, Gary Herbert, Governor of the State of Utah for the last 12 years, who after a long career in public service is embarking on a well-earned retirement.