
Bring Them In

Nov 13, 2013

It’s always great to join with the Heritage Foundation in any context. But being a part of this Anti-Poverty Forum is a true privilege. Members of my staff have been here all day, taking copious notes, and hopefully collecting all the business cards and white papers they can get their hands on.

What's Next for Conservatives

Oct 29, 2013

Thank you very much. It’s wonderful to be back at the Heritage Foundation.It has been quite a month in Washington. It began with our effort to stop Obamacare — a goal that all Republicans share even if we have not always agreed about just how to pursue it. And it is ending with powerful practical proof of just why stopping Obamacare is so essential.

Developing a modernized, principled conservative reform agenda

Oct 11, 2013

The real goal - what conservatives are really for - is not an agenda for government. It’s a vision of society. A view of the world we want to build, together.

The American People Deserve Better Than the Gang of 8 Bill

Jun 27, 2013

As the Senate nears a vote on the Gang of 8 immigration reform proposal, I delivered a speech to explain the many problems with the bill. Here are the main points I made during this speech as I shared them on Twitter. Help me out by retweeting your favorites.

What Conservatives are For

Apr 22, 2013

I also of course want to offer my best wishes to you all as the Heritage Foundation embarks on an exciting new era. And I also just want to make clear that when I spent my first year in the Senate joking that Jim DeMint should run for president… this isn’t what I had in mind. You know, the thing that makes Jim DeMint a great leader is the same thing that has always made people like Matt Spaulding and the Heritage Foundation itself so valuable.