
Criminal Law and the Administrative State: Defining and Enforcing Regulatory Crimes

May 14, 2014

In an influential law review article, the late Professor Bill Stuntz noted the academic consensus lamenting criminal law’s constantly expanding breadth. Professor Stuntz wrote that virtually all scholarship in the field “consistently argues that existing criminal liability rules are too broad and ought to be narrowed.” But, Professor Stuntz continued ominously,

Opportunity, Cronyism, and Conservative Reform

Apr 30, 2014

It is always a privilege to be back at the Heritage Foundation, the heart of America’s conservative movement. And it is to that broad, diverse movement that I have come to speak today about an issue with the potential to unify and revive our coalition.

Crony Capitalism and the Export-Import Bank

Apr 9, 2014

The American economy is the envy of the world, primarily because it is still seen as a place where anyone – regardless of who you are or where you come from – can work hard, play by the rules, and succeed. That belief is predicated on the notion that America has a thriving, competitive and free enterprise economy in which the best ideas and hardest workers win the day, while those who are less successful always have a fair chance to try again.

Lee to CPAC: Time for a Conservative Reform Agenda

Mar 6, 2014

A new generation of conservative leaders is rising to meet the challenges of this new era. But to build a new conservative reform party, that party needs this new conservative reform agenda.

A Conversation On Criminal Justice

Feb 11, 2014

Criminal justice reform is not so much about letting people out as it is bringing people in; to craft policies to help reformed offenders and their families fully participate in our society and economy, and to help build an America that gives them the opportunities we would want for ourselves.