
Conserving Religious Liberty For All

Jun 11, 2015

Thank you very much. It’s an honor to be here. Thank you, Matt, for all that you do through Hillsdale’s Kirby Center to advance the cause of liberty in our politics, in our schools, and in our society. It’s always important—in a free society like ours—to have institutions like Hillsdale College and its Kirby Center that teach and defend the principles that have made us who we are as a nation.

Principled, Positive, and Proven

Feb 26, 2015

Because true conservatism isn’t just about the kind of government we don’t want; it’s about the kind of country we do want.

It's time to stop delaying democracy

Feb 5, 2015

It’s time to stop delaying democracy; it’s time to stop hiding from the American people.

Protecting Email Privacy

Feb 4, 2015

The Lee-Leahy ECPA Amendments Act of 2015 prohibits an electronic communications or remote computing service provider—like Gmail or Facebook or Twitter—from voluntarily disclosing the contents of customer emails or other communications.

Putting Families First

Jan 13, 2015

The family is the first and most important institution of our society – and the foundation of American exceptionalism.