
Floor Remarks on the Nomination of Dr. John King

Mar 14, 2016

Mr. President, last week the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee voted to advance President Obama’s nominee for Secretary of Education, Dr. John King. Tonight the nomination is set to come before the Senate not for a robust debate, but for a hasty vote. And by all accounts, confirmation is expected. I rise today to oppose the nomination of Dr. King, and to urge my colleagues to join me in voting against his confirmation as Secretary of Education.

The people should determine what kind of Supreme Court they wish to have

Mar 10, 2016

Mr.President, the opening words of the Preamble to the United States Constitution are familiar to us all – “We the People...” But what exactly do they mean? It was “the People” who established the United States Senate in Article I, Section 1, of the Constitution.

Floor Remarks on the Senate’s “Advice and Consent”

Feb 24, 2016

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was an extraordinary man whose contributions to this country and its people – whom he faithfully served from the bench – are so prodigious that it will take generations for us to fully comprehend our debt to him.

Lee Calls on State Department to Continue Search for David Sneddon

Feb 10, 2016

For me and many of my fellow Utahns one of these clues came nearly 12 years ago when a young man from Utah suddenly went missing in southern China. In August 2004, David Louis Sneddon disappeared while hiking in the Yunnan Province of China.

Make Congress Great Again

Feb 3, 2016

This is the Article I Project in a nutshell: it’s a new network of House and Senate conservatives working together on a new agenda of government reform and congressional rehabilitation. The premise of the Article I Project is simple: the federal government is broken, and congressional weakness is to blame. The authors of the Constitution made Congress the most powerful of the federal government’s three co-equal branches. Congress was designed both as the most powerful and the most accountable to the people.