
Defunding HUD’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule

May 19, 2016

Mr. President: The Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule – which my amendment would defund – is equal parts condescension and willful blindness. The condescension of the rule and its proponents is that local governments and Public Housing Authorities across America can’t figure out how to provide fair and affordable housing to their communities without the help of federal bureaucrats.

Defunding HUD’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule

May 18, 2016

Mr. President: In a piece of legislation of this size, there is always much to praise – and, unfortunately, even more to criticize. I rise today, specifically, to correct one major mistake in this bill. As currently written, it permits the Department of Housing and Urban Development to proceed in the implementation of its radical new regulation, the insultingly misnamed “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule,” or AFFH.

Floor Tribute to Senator Bennett

May 10, 2016

"Mr. President, I rise today to pay tribute to a man who was truly a giant in my home state of Utah and in this institution, a friend to everyone he met, and someone whose life of service to the people of Utah we celebrate at the same time that we mourn his passing: Senator Robert F. Bennett."

Floor Remarks on Lee Amendment #3856

Apr 28, 2016

But ask anyone who has ever called, written, or emailed their member of Congress what happens next: blame is shifted; fingers are pointed; scapegoats of every variety imaginable are brought forth to defend those who are charged with making the laws from the consequences of their handiwork. This is the very definition of unaccountability, and it pervades the culture of Washington, D.C., because Congress has allowed it to infect our laws and our institutions.

Remarks on Separation of Powers Restoration Act: Ending Chevron Deference

Mar 17, 2016

"Chevron deference is hardly the only problem with the administrative state, nor is it the biggest. But it may be the one with the clearest and most obvious fix."