
Lee Defends Americans’ Constitutional Rights On Senate Floor

Jun 22, 2016

WASHINGTON – Following yet another vote that would have curtailed Americans’ constitutional rights without adequate due process, Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) spoke on the Senate floor Wednesday about the proper balance between security and liberty.

Opening Statement on the CREATES Act

Jun 21, 2016

Good afternoon and welcome to this hearing of the Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy, and Consumer Rights. Today’s hearing is entitled, “The CREATES Act: Ending Regulatory Abuse, Protecting Consumers, and Ensuring Drug Price Competition.”

Floor Remarks on Ex-Im Nominee Mark McWatters

Jun 9, 2016

Mr. President: reserving the right to object. What’s being proposed here today is to unleash the Export-Import Bank from the constraints it is currently under and to allow it to begin authorizing transactions above $10 million. Between 2007 and 2014, 84 percent of the Bank’s subsidy and loan-guarantee deals exceeded $10 million, and the vast majority were given to the wealthiest, most well-connected businesses that should have no problem acquiring financing on the open market.

Lee Urges Colleagues to Support Due Process Guarantee Amendment

Jun 9, 2016

Mr. President: I rise today to discuss – and to urge my colleagues to support – amendment #4448, the Due Process Guarantee Amendment. This amendment addresses a little-known problem that I believe most Americans would be shocked to discover even exists. Under current law, the federal government has the power to detain indefinitely – without charge or trial – U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents who are apprehended on American soil. Let that sink in for a moment.

Leashing Leviathan: The Case for a Congressional Regulatory Budget

May 26, 2016

It was almost four months ago that we gathered here, in front of this inspiring portrait, to launch the Article I Project – a new network of House and Senate conservatives working together on a new agenda of government reform and congressional rehabilitation. The starting point for that agenda is the simple observation that the federal government is broken, and congressional weakness is to blame.