
Trade Speech at AEI

Mar 30, 2017

I. Introduction: Re-opening the Trade Debate Thank you for that kind introduction, Claude. It’s an honor to be here this morning. Thank you to the American Enterprise Institute for putting this event together. Thanks to our esteemed panelists for your insights and scholarship. And thanks to all of you for being here.

Floor Statement on Montenegro accession to NATO

Mar 28, 2017

The most solemn and serious act that the United States government can undertake is the decision to send Americans to war. From time to time, war is an unfortunate but necessary function of a Republic in order to safeguard the rights and freedoms of its citizens from foreign threats. Yet we should enter into wars, and alliances that could lead to war, only after utmost deliberation and strategic consideration focusing on the wellbeing of American citizens.

Confirmation Hearing on the Nomination of Neil M. Gorsuch to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court

Mar 20, 2017

"In a former life, when I was a practicing attorney, I had the good fortune of appearing before you. So, I know from personal experience that you are one of the very best judges in the country. You come to oral argument prepared and you ask probing, fair questions that help you understand the arguments."

Floor Remarks on Violence Silencing Speech

Mar 7, 2017

"I am truly saddened that I must rise today to address what I am afraid is a growing threat to our democracy: the silencing of political debate by totalitarian mob violence on college campuses."

The Time for Regulatory Reform in Congress

Mar 7, 2017

Executive-branch bureaucrats work in… the HHS headquarters, and the Labor Department – nondescript, Soviet-style concrete slabs that look more like nuclear vaults than government buildings.