
Why federalism is key to restoring civic connectedness and faith in the American government

Jul 12, 2017

The other week, I stumbled across a headline that I think illustrates the challenges facing American communities. It’s from CNBC, paraphrasing Mark Zuckerberg. “Facebook can play a role that churches and Little League once filled.” Zuckerberg was celebrating an impressive milestone for his social media platform: It now has two billion monthly users.

More truth about Planned Parenthood

Jun 8, 2017

Mr. President, Last year the nation was shocked by undercover videos produced by investigative journalists with the Center for Medical Progress, exposing Planned Parenthood’s sale of fetal body parts . . . and the callousness with which Planned Parenthood officials described their grisly work.

Protecting the Internet for Consumers and Innovators

May 23, 2017

Mr. President, I rise today to discuss the Federal Communication Commission’s welcome proposal to end utility-style regulation of the Internet by reversing the 2015 Open Internet Order.

How Can Congress Reassert Control Over Federal Agencies?

May 18, 2017

Thank you, Dean. And thanks to all my friends at the Federalist Society for putting this event together. Notwithstanding the views of some of my colleagues in the Senate, who see the Federalist Society as a dangerous cabal, it’s always a treat to speak to the Society and I appreciate your hard work and dedication to promoting the rule of law and individual liberty. A little more than a year ago, I launched the Article 1 Project, or A1P, along with several other conservative lawmakers. Today, I want to update you on our progress.

America First Diplomacy

Apr 25, 2017

"Like much of the federal government, American diplomacy under the Obama administration took a decidedly leftist turn, often elevating ideological politics above core national interests."