
Executive Abuse of the Antiquities Act

Oct 4, 2017

We are here to talk about executive abuses of the Antiquities Act. All told, presidents have used this law to cordon off tens of millions of acres of public land from recreation and economic activity—and they have done this with shockingly little regard for the actual Americans who work and live near these areas.

Due Process Guarantee Act

Sep 14, 2017

Mr. President, I would like to speak for a few minutes about a bipartisan amendment I have offered to the NDAA, the Due Process Guarantee Act. Alexander Hamilton, writing in Federalist 84, called arbitrary imprisonment one of the [QUOTE] “favorite and most formidable instruments” of tyrants.

North Korea’s Quiet Crimes

Sep 13, 2017

Hello and good morning. It’s a pleasure to be here with you all. I’d like to extend my thanks to Michael Green and the Center for Strategic and International Studies for hosting this important event, and to the Embassy of Japan for inviting me to speak.

Reasserting Congress's Role in Declaring War

Sep 12, 2017

"A decade later, the Founders included a safeguard in the Constitution so that “civil power”—in other words, the people and their representatives—would play an important role in matters of war and peace."

Against Religious Tests

Sep 7, 2017

But at a minimum, this body can do its part by respecting the constitutional rights of citizens who come before it. Lest we forget, we work for them, not the other way around. I trust my colleagues, Republican, Democrat, and independent, will take this to heart. Because religious freedom puts all Americans on the same footing.