
Are All Men Created Equal, Or Are Some More Equal Than Others?

Jan 19, 2018

Mr. President, today hundreds of thousands of Americans from all walks of life will participate in the 45th annual March for Life. Why do these citizens march, year after year? It certainly isn't for their health. Or for the media coverage. No, these Americans march on behalf of those who cannot.

FISA 702 Reauthorization

Jan 17, 2018

Mr. President, Our Founding Fathers knew what it was like to live in a dangerous world. When America was founded it was threatened by foreign adversaries. Its military might was feeble compared to the great powers of that time. And yet, the Founders insisted on a Constitution that protected Americans’ civil liberties.

Speech in Memory of President Thomas S. Monson

Jan 4, 2018

Mr. President, I rise today to honor the life of a remarkable man: Thomas S. Monson, the president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. On Tuesday night, at age 90, President Monson was called home by his Heavenly Father. I expect his reunion with his wife Frances was a joyous occasion, and I am confident that reunion provides comfort to his three children and eight grandchildren.

Net Neutrality Regulation

Dec 14, 2017

Mr. President, Earlier today the FCC voted to reverse a major impediment to a free and open Internet: The Title Two Internet regulations that were imposed under President Obama in 2015. These regulations are commonly called “Net Neutrality,” so for the sake of convenience that is what I’ll call them.

We Need Reform, Not Bailouts

Oct 23, 2017

Mr. President, as we speak our brothers and sisters in Florida, Puerto Rico, and Texas are recovering from a string of devastating hurricanes. Over one hundred people have lost their lives because of these storms. Many more are struggling to get by day to day.