
U.S.-U.K. Free Trade Resolution

Mar 28, 2019

Mr./Madam President, For the past three years, the world has watched the United Kingdom debate and negotiate their exit from the European Union after the historic “Brexit” vote in June of 2016. There have been multiple deals proposed since then, and now the deadline for withdrawal fast approaches this Friday.

Remarks on the Green New Deal

Mar 26, 2019

Mr. President, Fear has become an all-too-prevalent quality in America’s political discourse. And unfortunately, fear is unavoidable when debating the substance of the resolution before us today – climate change, socialism, and the Green New Deal.

Floor Remarks on Emergency Declaration

Mar 15, 2019

Mr. President, it’s significant that the very first clause of the very first section of the very first article of the Constitution consists of the words “All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives.” The Founding Fathers wasted no time in getting right to the heart of the matter, which is to say that the legislative powers within the federal government – that is, the power to make law within that federal system – would themselves be exercised only by that branch of that government most accountable to the people at the most regular, routine intervals.

Yemen Resolution Floor Remarks

Mar 13, 2019

Mr./Madam President, I rise to stand with Senator Sanders and Senator Murphy, as cosponsors of the legislation before us: S.J. Res 7, which would remove U.S. armed forces from Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen. 56 Senators voted in favor of this resolution just a few months ago, in December of the last Congress. That vote was a victory for the Constitution and the separation of powers, to say nothing of prudence and justice.

Antitrust, Competition Policy, and Consumer Rights Hearing: Opening Statement

Mar 5, 2019

Welcome to this hearing of the Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy, and Consumer Rights. Today we are pleased to have with us four distinguished witnesses to testify about whether the United States has a monopoly problem. We appreciate you taking the time to be with us today.