
Take Care Act Floor Remarks

Jun 5, 2019

Mr./Madam President: President Trump was famous for many things even before he was elected. One of those things was the catch-phrase “you’re fired,” which he popularized on his reality T.V. show, “The Apprentice.” This is a relatively commonplace phrase, but it’s not surprising that it would have so much appeal for a television audience.

Golden Spike

May 9, 2019

On May 10, 1869, a golden spike was driven into the last link joining the rails of the First Continental Railroad at Promontory Summit, Utah. Made of 17 carat gold, and driven into a pre-drilled hole in the last ceremonial tie, it bore this inscription: “May God continue the unity of our Country, as this Railroad unites the two great Oceans of the world.” And indeed it did. With the joining of the Union Pacific Railroad, stretching from the Missouri River near the Iowa-Nebraska border, and the Central Pacific railroad, stretching from Sacramento, California—East met West. The Unites States became truly united. As the spike was struck, a telegraph was sent around the nation, and bells rang out from coast to coast.

Beijing's Bank

May 7, 2019

Mr./Madam President, Many Americans might be surprised to learn that some of their tax dollars are going directly to Chinese companies. And that some of those dollars even go to corporations owned by the Chinese government, like Chinese banks, Chinese development agencies, and Chinese microprocessor factories.

Yemen Resolution Veto Override

May 2, 2019

Mr./Madam President, Over the past few months the members of this body and of the House of Representatives resoundingly voted in favor of S.J. Res 7, which would remove U.S. armed forces from Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen. This unconstitutional, unjustified, and immoral war has repeatedly come up over the past year; and thankfully, America’s elected representatives have taken a stand on it.

U.S.-U.K. Live UC Statement

Apr 2, 2019

Mr./Madam President, As the deadline for Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union fast approaches, there is an enormous opportunity before us – an opportunity for true free trade with the U.K. Such an agreement would provide tremendous economic and trade benefits to both our nations, and would strengthen and preserve our special relationship.