Press Releases

Lee Objects to UC on Proceeding to Budget Conference Without Assurances on Debt Limit

May 23, 2013

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) delivered the following remarks on the Senate floor today regarding the Senate Democrats’ attempt to move the budget bill to conference without assurance that the debit limit increase will not be included in the final report.

Senator Lee Shares Statement on Sister Frances Monson

May 23, 2013

Senator Mike Lee shared the following statement today ahead of funeral services for Sister Frances Monson, wife of President Thomas S. Monson, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Lee Statement on Letter to the International Trade Commission on Standard Essential Patents

May 21, 2013

Today, Senator Lee, ranking Republican on the Senate Antitrust Subcommittee, led a bipartisan group of Senators in sending a letter to the International Trade Commission (ITC) requesting that it carefully assess public interest considerations in cases involving standard essential patents.

Members of the Utah Congressional Delegation Meet with Air Force Chief of Staff

May 21, 2013

Members of the Utah Congressional Delegation – U.S. Senators Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Mike Lee (R-Utah), and Reps. Rob Bishop (R-Utah), Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), and Chris Stewart (R-Utah) – today met with General Mark Welsh, the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force, to discuss a number of issues important to Utah, including sequestration and delivery of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Rep. Jim Matheson (D-Utah) regrettably was unable to attend due to a scheduling conflict.

Lee, Cruz, Paul: Don’t Use Procedural Tricks to Raise Taxes, Increase Debt Limit

May 16, 2013

Today, Senators Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul called for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to pass a budget without using any procedural tricks to raise taxes or increase the debt limit. The Majority Leader does not deny that his intent to use a back-door procedure that would allow the Democrats to raise taxes and the debt limit under a 50-vote threshold, rather than the typical 60-vote threshold.

LEE: IRS Scandal More Than Just Partisan Fighting

May 15, 2013

It would be a mistake for Republicans to view the latest IRS scandal as a typical partisan squabble between political parties. The real lesson is that our massive federal government bureaucracy is inherently dysfunctional, corrupt, and intolerant regardless of who is in charge.

Lee Statement on Gosnell Verdict

May 13, 2013

This case has always been about more than one man. It’s about an unaccountable industry that for too long has preyed upon the vulnerable and the innocent. We must take steps in coming months and years to end the decades of corruption and violence in America's late-term abortion industry. Whatever our views on abortion rights, we can all agree no one has the right to operate an unsanitary, unsafe abortion clinic, and government at all levels has a compelling interest in protecting innocent women and children from anyone who would.

Lee Responds to IRS Targeting Conservative Groups

May 13, 2013

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee released the following statement regarding revelations that the Internal Revenue Service had been targeting conservative groups:

“I am deeply troubled by reports that the IRS targeted certain conservative groups for political purposes.  Americans of all political backgrounds are rightfully calling for a thorough investigation to find out who was directing this effort, and for the individuals involved to be held accountable.  Concerns regarding this shameful abuse of power transcend partisan differences.  This should not be dismissed as just another conflict between left and right; it is a conflict between the federal government and the American people, who -- regardless of their political leanings -- should be free to exercise their constitutionally protected rights without fear of political retribution from the world's most powerful tax-collection agency.  We need to find out how this happened, why the underlying facts remained concealed until now, and what we can do to prevent the increasingly powerful IRS from targeting any group or individual based on political ideology.”

Lee Delivers Remarks, Calls For Step-By-Step Immigration Approach

May 9, 2013

Today, Senator Lee delivered the following opening remarks at today’s Senate Judiciary executive business meeting and filing deadline for amendments S.744, the "Gang of Eight" immigration proposal. His remarks as prepared for delivery are available below.

Lee, Graham, Cruz Request Confirmation on Religious Liberties Policy From Hagel

May 8, 2013

Today, Senators Lee (R-UT), Graham (R-SC), and Cruz (R-TX) released a letter they sent to Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel requesting confirmation of the rights of members of the armed services to practice and share their faith . The letter is a response to recent media reports indicating potential changes to military regulations governing the discussion of religion by members of the military.