Press Releases

Lee Reacts to Oral Argument in Recess Appointments Case

Jan 13, 2014

Today, Senator Mike Lee said that he expects the Supreme Court to determine that President Obama’s controversial recess appointments from January 2012 were unconstitutional. Sen. Lee, who is a former Supreme Court clerk for Justice Samuel Alito, has been a strong and vocal opponent of President Obama’s attempt to usurp the rights of the Senate in the appointment and confirmation of nominees to the executive and judicial branch. He attended the oral argument today in the case of National Labor Relations Board v Noel Canning.

Lee Statement on the Passing of Ariel Sharon

Jan 11, 2014

WASHINGTON - Today, Sen. Mike Lee released the following statement regarding the passing of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon: "Ariel Sharon was a great military and political leader who will be remembered as one of Israel's heroes and a tireless statesman in pursuit of a lasting peace."

Lee Introduces Bill to Expand Higher Education Opportunities

Jan 9, 2014

Today, Senator Mike Lee introduced legislation that would expand higher education opportunities for low-income and middle-class families by providing for new alternatives to the federal accreditation system.

Lee: Utah to Lose $32 Million in Budget Deal

Dec 16, 2013

Under the Mineral Leasing Act, the federal government leases federal land for the development of energy, minerals and other materials, and shares the revenue with the states in which the leases are held. The revenue is currently split evenly between the states and the federal government. Section 302 of the budget deal would only decrease what the states receive, leaving the federal portion intact. That would mean a total reduction of $415 million for the states, with roughly $32 million coming from Utah.

Lee Names Derek Brown as Deputy Chief of Staff/State Director

Dec 12, 2013

Today, Senator Mike Lee announced that current Utah State Representative Derek Brown has accepted the position of Deputy Chief of Staff and State Director for the senator’s office. Rep. Brown will resign his seat in the Utah Legislature effective January 2, 2014 and will assume his new role on January 3rd. Senator Lee’s Chief of Staff Boyd Matheson had been filling the State Director duties for the past year.

Lee Introduces Act to Protect Religious Liberty

Dec 12, 2013

Today, Senator Mike Lee and eleven original cosponsors introduced legislation to protect religious organizations from discrimination by the federal government for supporting traditional marriage. The “Marriage and Religious Freedom Act” bars the government from denying any person or group tax-exempt status for exercising their religious conscience rights. The bill is cosponsored by Senators Vitter, Rubio, Roberts, Hatch, Coburn, Blunt, Inhofe, Wicker, Risch, Cochran and Graham.

Lee Opposes House-Senate Budget Deal

Dec 11, 2013

I do not envy House Republicans in their task of negotiating a budget with a Senate majority and president hostile to the very idea of having one. But the deal they have struck is not one I can support.

Sen. Lee Hosts Poverty Roundtable

Dec 4, 2013

Today, Senator Mike Lee hosted a roundtable with Utah citizens, experts, government officials, and community activists on the growing crisis of immobility among the poor. The event is a continuation of Sen. Lee’s “Let’s Talk” series he began in August, taking him around the state to hear directly from Utahns about the critical issues facing the state and the country.

Hatch, Bishop, Lee Applaud Air Force Announcement on F-35

Dec 3, 2013

Today, U.S. Senators Orrin Hatch and Mike Lee, and U.S. Representative Rob Bishop applauded the U.S. Air Force’s official announcement that Hill Air Force Base will be the first operational squadron of the F-35 stealth fighter starting in 2015.

Leahy & Lee Introduce Legislation To Protect Innovators Against Patent Lawsuit Abuse

Nov 18, 2013

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Committee member Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) joined together Monday to introduce legislation to protect businesses and innovators who are being improperly targeted by patent trolls.