Press Releases

Lee, Hatch, Bishop Applaud Approval for New F-35 Hangar at Hill Air Force Base

Feb 26, 2014

The arrival of the F-35 in Northern Utah next year begins a significant new chapter for the Air Force and our state, and having the facilities ready for this delivery is of upmost importance to protecting and maintaining the taxpayer's investment in this weapons system. We are excited that the future of military innovation and technological advancement is continuing to be forged in our state.

Sens. Cruz and Lee Introduce State Marriage Defense Act

Feb 13, 2014

U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Mike Lee, R-Utah, today introduced S. 2024, the State Marriage Defense Act, which respects the definition of marriage held by the people of each state and protects states from the federal government’s efforts to force any other definition upon them. The bill will ensure the federal government gives the same deference to the 33 states that define marriage as the union between one man and one woman as it does to the 17 states that have chosen to recognize same-sex unions.

Lee Introduces Welfare Reform and Upward Mobility Act

Feb 12, 2014

Today, Senator Mike Lee introduced a bill to address the deep problems in the federal government’s welfare programs that make it more difficult for low-income Americans to work their way into the middle class and stay there. The “Welfare Reform and Upward Mobility Act” would get existing federal welfare programs under control and would help the working poor transition from poverty to opportunity and security.

Lee Outlines Higher Education Reform at Policy Summit

Feb 10, 2014

Today, Senator Mike Lee outlined legislation that would greatly expand access to higher education for many working- and middle-class students, as well as many individuals seeking non-traditional forms of education.

Bipartisan Group of Senators Push for Congressional Vote Before Extending Afghanistan Troop Presence

Feb 6, 2014

The decision to continue to sacrifice our blood and treasure in Afghanistan should not be made by the White House and Pentagon alone.

Senators Introduce Resolution Denouncing Obama Administration’s Coercion of States with Common Core

Feb 5, 2014

Senator Lee Cosponsors resolution denouncing coercion of states into adopting Common Core.

Lee: Farm Bill is a Monument to Washington Dysfunction

Feb 4, 2014

In a speech on the Senate floor, Senator Mike Lee blasted the Agriculture Act of 2014, also known as the Farm Bill, as a “Beltway marriage of convenience between welfare and corporate welfare,” and criticized the use of PILT payments, critical funding for Utah’s small, rural communities, as a political football.

Lee to Holder: Explain Constitutional Basis for Executive Action on Minimum Wage, Delaying Employer Mandate

Jan 29, 2014

Today, Senator Mike Lee asked Attorney General Holder to explain the President’s constitutional authority to take executive action to delay the employer mandate and raise the minimum wage.

Excerpts from Sen. Lee’s Response to the President’s State of the Union Speech

Jan 28, 2014

Tonight, Senator Mike Lee will give the Tea Party response to the president’s State of the Union speech.

Lee, Hatch Push to Restore Funding for PILT program

Jan 16, 2014

Utah’s U.S. Senators Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch are supporting an amendment to the Omnibus government funding bill introduced by Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) that would fully fund the Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) program.