Press Releases

Senator Lee Announces August Town Hall Meetings

Aug 4, 2014

SALT LAKE CITY - Senator Lee announced five upcoming town hall meeting that he will be holding during the month of August.  He plans to visit Cache County, Salt Lake County, Sanpete County, and Washington County.  In addition to these visits, he will also be holding a town hall meeting that will focus on the military and veteran communities in Utah.

For a full list of the dates, times, and locations of these events, please visit the Town Hall Page of Senator Lee's Website.

Senator Lee looks forward to meeting with Utahns across the state to hear their concerns, answer their questions, and share more information about the solutions he is working on in Washington DC.  He invites all Utahns to attend a town hall meeting in their area to be a part of this important dialogue.

Cache County

Logan town hall

Salt Lake County

Salt Lake County Town Hall

Military and Veterans Town Hall

Veterans and Military Town Hall

Sanpete County

Washington County Town Hall

Washington County

Sanpete County Town Hall

Lee: A Better Way to Improve America's Transportation Infrastructure

Jul 29, 2014

“Under the Transportation Empowerment Act, Americans could finally enjoy the local infrastructure they want. More environmentally conscious states and towns could finally have the flexibility to invest in more green transit projects and bike lanes. Regions reaping the benefits of America’s energy renaissance could accelerate their infrastructure build-outs to keep up with their explosive growth. Dense cities could invest in more sustainable public transit networks.

“Meanwhile, surrounding counties could re-open the frontiers of the suburbs to a new generation of more livable communities. State and local governments will also be freed to experiment with innovative funding mechanisms not tied to the unreliable gas tax.  And by cutting out the Washington middle-men, all those states and communities and taxpayers will be able to get more for less…

“Today Americans are unnecessarily stuck in traffic, stuffed in overcrowded subway cars, missing their kids’ games and recitals, priced out of neighborhoods close to their jobs and spend almost a full 40-hour work week per year stuck in gridlock.

“They deserve better than what Washington is offering, which is just the status quo plus a little more money.  A new era demands a new approach.”

Senate to Vote on Lee's Transportation Reform

Jul 23, 2014

WASHINGTON – Today, the full Senate agreed to include Senator Mike Lee’s proposal to reform transportation funding in a package of amendments on the Highway Trust Fund. The “Transportation Empowerment Act” would allow states to keep the vast majority of revenue each raises through the gas tax, making it easier and more effective for communities to develop the transportation system they want and need.

“Nearly half the states are already taking steps to become more fiscally independent in how they fund transportation projects,” said Sen. Lee. “This legislation would make that process easier and empower all 50 states to be more responsive to the needs of their citizens.  The states already own and maintain the roads.  There is no good reason why they should have to send their citizen’s infrastructure money to Washington first.”

The Transportation Empowerment Act phases down the federal gas tax over five years from 18.4 cents per gallon to 3.7 cents and transfers highway authority from the federal government to the states.

“Under this new system, Americans would no longer have to send significant gas-tax revenue to Washington, where politicians, bureaucrats, and lobbyists take their cut before sending it back with strings attached,” Lee added.  “Instead, states and cities could plan, finance, and build smarter and more affordable projects.”

Lee’s plan would ignite a new era of infrastructure innovation and diversity. Some communities could choose to build more roads, while others might prefer to repair old ones. Some might build highways, others light-rail. And all would be free to experiment with innovative green technologies, and new ways to finance their projects, like congestion pricing and smart tolls. For the country as a whole, this plan would mean a better infrastructure system, new jobs and opportunities, diverse localism, and innovative environmental protection.

“Americans know we need more roads, bridges, lanes, and mass-transit systems. My plan will not only allow local communities to develop infrastructure projects according to their own needs and values, but will allow their dollars to go further by cutting out the political middle-men in Washington. Properly planned and located, these projects would help create new jobs, new communities, more affordable homes, shorter commuting times, and greater opportunity for businesses and families,” said Lee.

Lee’s stand-alone bill (S.1702) has been cosponsored by Senators Rubio, Cruz, Roberts, and Johnson, while a House companion (HR3486) introduced by Rep. Tom Graves has 49 cosponsors.

Lee Introduces Bill to Reduce Costs of Federal Infrastructure Projects

Jul 17, 2014

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee introduced a bill that would drive down the inflated costs of federally funded construction projects on our nation’s infrastructure and makes it easier for federal contractors to train and employ workers of all skill levels. The “Davis-Bacon Repeal Act” would also save the American people billions of dollars in wasted taxpayer money and diminishe the power of the cronyist alliance between big government and big labor unions.
“The Davis-Bacon Act exemplifies how big government hurts the people it purports to help, gives unfair advantages to favored special interests, and squeezes the middle class,” said Sen. Lee. “It crowds out low-skilled workers in the construction industry, preventing them from getting a fair shot at a job, and funnels taxpayer money to prop up big labor unions, which accrue windfall profits as Davis-Bacon removes the incentive for federal contractors to hire unskilled, non-unionized workers.”
Forcing the American citizens to subsidize labor unions in this way artifically inflates the costs of construction projects to repair and improve our national infrastructure. This is unfair, and unsustainable, and costing taxpayers billions of dollars every year. Senator Lee’s “Davis-Bacon Repeal Act” removes these government-imposed obstacles to economic opportunity facing low-skilled workers and returns wasted taxpayer dollars back into the hands of the American people.  Senator Lee will offer the bill as an amendment to legislation that addresses the funding of our nation's highway and transportation systems.
Joining Senator Lee in support of the “Davis-Bacon Repeal Act” are nine original cosponsors: Sens. Alexander (TN), Cruz (TX), Scott (SC), Sessions (AL), Coburn (OK), Johnson (WI), Cornyn (TX), Rubio (FL), and Vitter (LA).

Lee Reacts to Hobby Lobby Decision

Jun 30, 2014

WASHINGTON - In a 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court ruled today that the federal government cannot force closely-held businesses to violate sincerely held religious beliefs in order to comply with the contraceptive mandate of the Affordable Care Act.  Senator Lee released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court's ruling to protect religious liberty:

"Today's decision in Burwell v Hobby Lobby marks an important victory for religious liberty. Americans do not shed their religious freedoms merely by going into business.  The Court's ruling upholds and strengthens the rights of individuals and the rule of law, while protecting the Constitution."

Lee Reacts to Supreme Court's Recess Appointments Decision

Jun 26, 2014

On January 3, 2012 the President ignored the Constitution and attempted to circumvent the Senate by unilaterally making important appointments to controversial executive agencies. Although past presidents have made recess appointments, the appointments President Obama attempted to make were different. The President attempted to change the Senate’s rules and define for himself when the Senate is in session and when it is in recess.  The Supreme Court’s decision today—in which all nine justices, including President Obama’s own nominees, held that President Obama violated the Constitution—makes plain that the President’s actions were truly unprecedented and unauthorized.

Regardless of whether the President is a Democrat or a Republican, Members of Congress have a duty to support the Constitution and defend the Senate’s prerogatives. That is why I took measures to oppose President Obama’s unconstitutional recess appointments, including speaking out against these appointments at every opportunity and opposing the President’s nominees until the Senate imposed the Leahy-Thurmond rule in the summer of 2012.

Lee to Offer Amendment to Keep Housing Decisions in Local Hands

Jun 17, 2014

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee announced his plans to offer an amendment that would block funding for a regulation that allows the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to dictate local zoning requirements in any community across the country. 

“Even for our highly centralized federal government, this rule represents an extreme step in consolidating government decisions over distinctly local matters within the hands of distant, unaccountable bureaucrats,” said Lee. “Local authorities are far more attuned to the unique conditions and needs of their communities, and they have a personal stake in their success. In every state across the country, there is no doubt that a mayor and city council officials will be more personally invested and more effective in improving the lives of the people in their community than a federal official located in Washington, D.C.”

Senator Lee plans to offer his amendment to the Senate Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Act should it be brought to the floor this week.

If funded, the “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” rule would empower federal officials to assert the authority to force any community that receives a Community Development Block Grant to comply with zoning plans written in Washington.  This rule effectively allows HUD to carve up the country, block by block, according to its own priorities and preferences.

Community Development Block Grants are allocations of federal tax dollars, issued to local governments by HUD, to address a variety of community development needs. One of the primary uses of these resources is to provide affordable public housing for individuals and families in need. Sadly, the inevitable consequence of federal management over how local officials spend this money will only make it harder for communities to provide adequate low-cost housing for their neighbors in need.

To protect the ability of local officials to serve low-income communities, Senator Lee’s amendment would prevent this egregious power grab by the federal government and would keep housing decisions closest to the people who are affected by them.

Rep. Paul Gosar is the original sponsor of a similar amendment in the House, which was successfully added to H.R. 4745, the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2015.

Lee Urges Senate to Address the Threat of Western Wild Fires

Jun 11, 2014

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee sent a letter to Senator Mary Landrieu, Chair of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, urging the Committee to promptly schedule oversight hearings to review federal wildland fire management activities and address the threat of catastrophic wildland fire in the West. Senator Lee expressed grave concerns about the ability of the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service to protect public safety during what is projected to be a severe and destructive wildfire season.
Along with five other Senators who signed the letter, Senator Lee explained, “One of the greatest challenges facing our western forests is the growing severity of the fire season.  Extreme fire behavior has become the new normal, due in no small part, to the mismanagement or lack of management of our public lands.  This mismanagement has resulted in the loss of property, natural resources, wildlife habitat, as well as jobs and economic opportunities in rural communities.”
The Senators urged the Committee to follow the lead of the House of Representatives, which has “already approved legislation to restore active forest management,” and act quickly on this urgent matter. “Given that this fire season is off to an early and destructive start, it is critical that the Committee hear from the land-management agencies and examine and evaluate the agencies’ capacity to respond appropriately to wildfires, reduce fire risk to communities, and improve forest, watershed, and rangeland health.”
These oversight hearings represent the crucial first step in advancing “national forestry, rangeland, and watershed management reforms that will reduce wildland fire risks through more active management.”

Lee Attends SASC Briefing on Bergdahl

Jun 10, 2014

Senator Mike Lee, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC), attended a meeting of SASC members this morning to receive a classified briefing from senior Pentagon officials on the prisoner exchange of five high-level Taliban leaders for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.  
The transfer of these detainees from Guantanamo Bay violated federal law requiring the Department of Defense to notify Congress 30 days prior to the transfer of any detainees from that facility.  Following the briefing, Senator Lee remained concerned that the administration did not fully recognize the security implications of transferring these detainees and allowing them to eventually return to Afghanistan.
Said Senator Lee, "These five detainees were important leaders of the former Taliban government and had previously been deemed too dangerous to transfer, as recently as 2010.  We still have serious questions about why suddenly they were no longer dangerous, and whether their return to Afghanistan could result in undermining over a decade of American work in that country that cost the lives of thousands of our service members."
Senator Lee will continue to push for answers to these questions and ensure that these decisions are being made more responsibly and with greater oversight.

Lee: President's Syria Proposal Raises Security Questions

May 28, 2014

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee said Obama’s announcement to expand support to Syrian rebels raises serious security questions regarding the composition of Syrian opposition forces and the ability of the United States to ensure that terrorist groups do not have access to U.S. assistance.

Last week, the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) passed its annual authorization bill for the Department of Defense, which included a provision that would authorize the Secretary of Defense to provide a broad range of assistance, including lethal aid, to opposition forces in Syria. 

“The situation in Syria is desperate and we should be constantly assessing it for threats to U.S. security, but I am concerned that sending American weapons and training into this crisis could be like pouring gas on a fire,” Lee stated. “When senior members of the president’s national security team cannot guarantee that assistance won’t fall into the hands of our enemies, or that the people we train today won’t be fighting alongside al-Qaeda tomorrow, we should be very careful in considering approaches that could assist extremists in that conflict.”

Following the March 6 Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), CENTCOM Commander General Lloyd Austin stated in an answer for the record:

“No, we cannot guarantee the assistance we provide doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.  Undoubtedly, some weapons and funds flowing into Syria wind up in the hands of extremists such as Al Nusrah Front or the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL).”

On February 11, during a SASC hearing regarding the relationship of moderate opposition and extremist groups in Syria, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told Senator Lee:

“Well, they are an agreement of convenience, I would say.  Oftentimes, these groups will apparently – which are quite fluid, by the way – may disagree ideologically, but will, if it’s convenient for them in a tactical context, agree to work together.”

The bill, the National Defense Authorization Act, was reported out of committee by a vote of 25-1, with Senator Lee as the only “NO” vote due to the Syrian provision, as well as other concerns.