Press Releases

Lee Responds to President’s Statement on Net Neutrality

Nov 10, 2014

But net neutrality is a regulatory framework designed for railroads and telegraphs. We can’t condemn a regulatory framework from the 20th century to replace it with one from the 19th!

How to Fix Congress: Five Steps To Restore Trust, Transparency, And Empowerment

Nov 6, 2014

After years of frustration and months of feverish work, the Republican Party has finally won back the U.S. Senate, and with it, undivided control of Congress. But no sooner had Tuesday night’s balloon drops hit the floor than Republicans around the country—and especially in certain offices in Washington, DC—faced that timeless question of election-night winners: Now what?

Lee Responds to Court Decision on Gay Marriage Cases

Oct 6, 2014

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee responded to the decision by the Supreme Court to not review several cases involving a state’s right to define marriage:
“The Supreme Court’s decision to not review the Tenth Circuit’s ruling in Kitchen v. Herbert is disappointing.  Nothing in the Constitution forbids a state from retaining the traditional definition of marriage as a union between a man and a woman.  Whether to change that definition is a decision best left to the people of each state — not to unelected, politically unaccountable judges. The Supreme Court owes it to the people of those states, whose democratic choices are being invalidated, to review the question soon and reaffirm that states do have that right.”

Lee Responds to Chairman Priebus’ Remarks on a GOP Agenda

Oct 2, 2014

WASHINGTON – Following Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus’ speech at George Washington University entitled “Principles for an American Renewal,” Senator Mike Lee released the following response:

LEE: “Chairman Priebus has laid out the case for how Republicans should succeed this fall.  We have a broad agenda to address Americans’ economic and national security concerns, while the Democrats are forced to run on their failed record of Obamacare, unemployment, and debt.  The choice couldn’t be more clear and it’s up to the American people to decide the course we take.

“Chairman Priebus succinctly expressed Republican core principles and values, and presented numerous examples of solutions Republicans have produced by applying those principles to the challenges facing working families today.  We have proposals to increase economic security among the middle class, improve mobility for working-class families, and ensure the system is no longer rigged for those at the top.

“It is an ambitious vision for the future of our country and demonstrates the kind of leadership Americans are desperate for.  I am encouraged that the GOP is the party of ideas once again.”

Lee to Speak at Sutherland on Anti-Poverty Agenda

Oct 1, 2014

Senator Mike Lee will speak this evening at an event sponsored by The Sutherland Institute to discuss efforts to reform federal anti-poverty programs to increase economic security among the middle class and improve mobility for working-class families.

Lee Announces #HonorUtahVeterans Instagram Gallery

Sep 22, 2014

SALT LAKE CITY - Today Senator Mike Lee announced that he is collecting pictures through Instagram to display in his offices in honor of Veterans Day.  In announcing this effort, Senator Lee said, "Utah is home to over 150,000 veterans.  While each veteran has their own unique experience in serving our country, our appreciation for their service is universal.  As we approach Veterans Day on November 11, I am creating a photo gallery display in my Senate office memorializing the service of Utah’s veterans.  If you are one of the brave Americans who has served or is serving, or if you are the friend or family member of a veteran - you are invited to share a photograph on Instagram that captures their commitment to country and their willingness to sacrifice. Please help me remember and honor those who have stood tall for freedom and inspire the next generation of Americans to do the same."

Photos may be historical from their period of active duty or a present day picture showcasing their spirit, pride, honor and legacy.  Utahns are asked to share their photos on Instagram using the hashtag #HonorUtahVeterans.  Full details on how to participate can be found on

Pictures will be collected until November 7, 2014.  Based on the number of submissions, Senator Lee's office will determine the best way to display the photos that are submitted.  Those who submit photos can also visit to share the stories behind their photos, and Senator Lee will include these stories in the copy of the first Congressional Record that is published after Congress returns to session following Veterans Day.

vet photo gallery

RELEASE: Lee & Durbin: According to CBO, Smarter Sentencing Bill Would Reduce Prison Costs by More Than $4 Billion

Sep 15, 2014

Assistant Majority Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) announced today that their bill tomodernize nonviolent drug sentencing policies would reduce prison costs in America by $4.36 billion over 10 years, according to a new report compiled by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO)

Lee Announces Town Hall for Military Community and Veterans

Aug 14, 2014

SALT LAKE CITY – Senator Lee announces an upcoming town hall meeting that will focus on the needs of Utah’s veterans and military community.  The event will be held on August, 26 at 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. At the Ed Kenley Centennial Amphitheater in Layton.

Vet Invite

"As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, I have an important responsibility in guiding the actions Congress takes to maintain the capabilities of our armed forces to provide for our national defense,” Lee explains.  "I also have the responsibility to ensure that we provide veterans who have served the country with the benefits and recognition that they deserve.  The feedback I receive from those who are part of the military community is crucial in helping me effectively fulfill these responsibilities.”

This event will provide a valuable opportunity for the military and veteran community to meet Senator Lee and the members of his staff that advise the senator on legislation related to the military and veterans.  His staff that helps veterans with federal casework will also be in attendance to offer their services to veterans that need additional help working with federal agencies such as the Department of Veterans Affairs.

All are invited to attend, but for those who are unable to attend, Senator Lee has made a form available on his website where constituents can leave their feedback or questions for the Senator to address during the town hall meeting.  This form can be found here:

Lee at Reagan Ranch: Answering Reagan's Challenge

Aug 13, 2014

Today, Senator Mike Lee delivered a speech at the Reagan Ranch to commemorate the 33rd anniversary of President Reagan signing into law one of his first major economic reforms, the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981.

Lee, Herbert Host Utah Solutions Summit on Improving America’s Regulatory Climate

Aug 12, 2014

SALT LAKE CITY - Senator Lee, Governor Gary Herbert, Salt Lake Chamber, the Utah League of Cities and Towns, and the Utah Association of Counties will host a daylong solutions summit to discuss America’s vast and uncertain regulatory burden that is hindering economic growth, exacerbating unemployment, and making it harder for Utah businesses to succeed.  The summit will facilitate a discussion of regulatory compliance issues states, communities, and businesses must deal with and offer a number of solutions to improve America’s economy through regulatory reform.

Senator Mike Lee, Governor Gary Herbert* and Lt. Governor Spencer Cox will give remarks, along with Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, who will deliver a special keynote address in the morning.  The early session will also include two panels featuring state and city officials, as well as business leaders to discuss the relationship between regulation and economic development. 

The media is invited to attend the morning and lunch speeches, as well as the panel discussions.  There will be special seating for reporters, along with access to Wi-Fi.  Live blogging and tweeting are encouraged.  Following the lunch speech, media outlets will have special access to the event speakers for one-on-one interviews. 

Media is required to RSVP no later than Tuesday, August 19, 2014 to Emily Long, 202-224-3904

*Governor Herbert will not be in attendance.  His remarks will be delivered by pre-taped video.




August 21, 2014

Little America Hotel

Salt Lake City


Agenda (subject to change):

8:00am Registration

8:30am Welcome

United States Senator Mike Lee


9:15am Keynote

United States Senator Tom Coburn


10:00am Local Regulations Panel Discussion

Chris Gamvroulas, President of Ivory Development, Ivory Homes

John Curtis, Mayor, Provo City

Stuart Clason, Director of Economic Development, Salt Lake City

Caitlin Gochnour, Ogden City Council

Maxine Turner, President, Cuisine Unlimited, Inc.


11:00am State Regulations Panel Discussion

Rich Walje, President & CEO, Rocky Mountain Power

Natalie Gochnour, Chief Economist, Salt Lake Chamber

Darrel Bostwick, Bostwick & Price

Bryce Bird, Director, Division of Air Quality, Utah Department of Environmental Quality

Derek Miller, President & CEO, World Trade Center Utah


11:45am Welcome

Governor Gary Herbert (by video)


11:50pm Lunch?


12:20pm Speech

Lt. Governor Spencer Cox


12:50pm One-on-One Interviews with Event Speakers