Press Releases

Lee Letter Asks For DOJ And HHS Investigation Of Planned Parenthood

Jul 21, 2015

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee and ten other Republican Senators sent a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Department of Health and Human Services Secretary SyLvia Burwell Tuesday, requesting a full investigation of whether Planned Parenthood has violated federal law prohibiting the sale of human fetal tissue for profit.

Lee Votes Against Federal Control of Education

Jul 16, 2015

WASHINGTON – Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Thursday regarding his vote against the Every Child Achieves Act.

Lee Introduces Bill to Drive Down Costs of Federally Funded Infrastructure Construction Projects

Jul 16, 2015

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee introduced a bill that reduces the inflated costs of federal construction projects on our nation’s transportation infrastructure. The “Davis-Bacon Repeal Act” also reduces burdens on federal contractors who train and employ low-skilled workers, while saving the American people billions of dollars in taxpayer money.

Lee Statement on Iran Deal

Jul 14, 2015

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Lee issued the following statement after President Obama announced he had reached an agreement with Iran on nuclear weapons.

Lee, Klobuchar Comment on Potential Airline Collusion

Jul 2, 2015

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senators Mike Lee (R-UT) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) today issued the following statements regarding the Department of Justice’s announcement that it was investigating potential collusion among certain airlines. Senator Lee is chair and Senator Klobuchar is ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy, and Consumer Rights.
“I am gravely concerned by the possibility that the airlines may have colluded to reduce capacity in order to artificially raise ticket fares,” Lee said.   “Americans deserve a strong and competitive passenger airline industry that offers safe service and reasonable fares.  Reports of anticompetitive practices, especially in a time of rapid industry concentration, deserve a high level of scrutiny.  The airlines already benefit from unique protections, including protection from competition with foreign air carriers in the domestic marketplace and antitrust immunity for international airline alliances, and so they have an even weightier responsibility to scrupulously abide  by the law.”
"Pricing in the airline industry has been a long-standing concern of everyone from families looking for an affordable vacation to small business owners trying to identify the best frequent flier program,” said Klobuchar. "The Justice Department must ensure that airlines are not entering into agreements that raise prices. Ensuring healthy competition is the core concern of the Antitrust Subcommittee, and we will be reviewing these allegations to determine how best to protect American consumers."

Lee Calls For First Amendment Defense Act After Supreme Court Rules On Same-Sex Marriage

Jun 26, 2015

WASHINGTON—Today, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement the Supreme Court held that the Fourteenth Amendment requires states license marriages between people of the same sex.

Lee, Labrador Introduce Bill Protecting Religious Liberty

Jun 17, 2015

WASHINGTON – Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rep. Raúl Labrador (R-ID), today reintroduced legislation to clarify and strengthen religious liberty protections in federal law, by safeguarding those individuals and institutions who promote traditional marriage from government retaliation.

Lee Questions Federal Debt Programs

Jun 17, 2015

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement after the Joint Economic Committee’s hearing on “The Economic Exposure of Federal Credit Programs.

Lee, DeSantis Introduce Transportation Empowerment Act

Jun 11, 2015

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) introduced the Transportation Empowerment Act (S. 1541), a bill which would give states and localities far more control over their infrastructure spending by phasing out the federal gas tax. Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) plans to introduce a companion bill in the House soon.

Senators Introduce Amendment To Protect Against Indefinite Detention

Jun 9, 2015

WASHINGTON—Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced the Due Process Guarantee amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act. The amendment is designed to protect Americans from being detained indefinitely, without charge or trial.