Press Releases

Lee Calls For HUD Zoning Rule To Be Defunded

Dec 10, 2015

WASHINGTON - Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) released the following statement Thursday, reminding Republican leaders that the upcoming government funding bill is the last opportunity conservatives have to stop the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s new “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Final Rule.”

Lee, Klobuchar Hold Hearing on Proposed Inbev, SABMiller Merger

Dec 8, 2015

WASHINGTON— Today, Senators Mike Lee (R-UT) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), the chairman and ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy, and Consumer Rights, issued the following statements following their hearing on Anheuser–Busch Inbev’s proposal to purchase SABMiller.

Lee Holds Hearing on Proposed Inbev, SABMiller Merger

Dec 8, 2015

WASHINGTON— Today, Mike Lee (R–UT), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy, and Consumer Rights, is holding a hearing on Anheuser–Busch Inbev’s proposal to purchase SABMiller. The hearing is expected to examine how the proposed merger of the world’s two biggest beer producers would impact competition and consumers across the country.

Lee Letter Asks McConnell Not To Include Federal Land Buying Program in Spending Bill

Dec 4, 2015

WASHINGTON – Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), and James Lankford (R-OK) sent a letter to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) Friday, asking him not to include language permanently reauthorizing the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) in any end of the year or must-pass legislation.

Lee Applauds Senate Passage of Obamacare Repeal Bill

Dec 3, 2015

Today the Republican Party took a huge step down the road to repeal Obamacare.

Lee, Klobuchar Announce Hearing Date for SABMiller Acquisition by Anheuser-Busch Inbev

Dec 2, 2015

WASHINGTON - Senators Mike Lee (R-UT) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), the chairman and ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy, and Consumer Rights, today announced the committee will hold a hearing on Anheuser-Busch Inbev’s proposal to purchase SABMiller. The hearing will examine how the proposed merger of the world’s two biggest beer producers would impact competition and consumers across the country.  
"This hearing will provide an opportunity to publicly examine the impact of the so-called 'beerhemoth' merger on consumers and for the Antitrust Subcommittee to continue its oversight of potentially anticompetitive market consolidation,” Lee said. “I look forward to a productive and informative discussion."
“This hearing will allow us the opportunity to examine this deal closely, including the proposed divestitures, to see how it will impact the price of beer for consumers and if it will harm the craft brewers that are creating jobs and economic growth across the country,” said Klobuchar. “We must ensure competition in the $100 billion a year beer industry remains on tap.”
The hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, December 8 at 10:00 a.m. EST in Dirksen Senate Office Building 226, and will stream here. Witnesses include:
Carlos Brito
CEO, Anheuser-Busch InBev
Mark Hunter
President & CEO, Molson Coors
Bob Pease
CEO, Brewers Association
Craig Purser
President & CEO, National Beer Wholesalers Association
J. Wilson
Minister of Iowa Beer, Iowa Brewers Guild
Diana Moss
President, American Antitrust Institute

Lee offers Tribute to Governor Olene Walker

Dec 1, 2015

Olene Walker will be remembered and revered by Utahns - not because of the many "firsts" she pioneered in politics - but for her commitment to leave a legacy of public, and more importantly, private service based on principles that truly last.

Lee Calls on President Obama to Submit Paris Climate Agreement to Senate

Nov 30, 2015

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement today in reaction to the beginning of the United Nations climate conference in Paris.

U.S. Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, names Allyson Bell as new Chief of Staff

Nov 30, 2015

WASHINGTON—After serving for three years as Senator Lee’s chief of staff, Boyd Matheson is stepping down and will transition to become a consultant to the senator’s reelection campaign. Allyson Bell, who has served as Lee’s administrative director since he took office in 2011,will take over as chief of staff beginning in January.

Lee Applauds Implementation of the USA Freedom Act

Nov 30, 2015

“Today both the safety and Constitutional rights of American citizens are more secure thanks to the USA Freedom Act,” Lee said. “Not only did the USA Freedom Act strengthen the Fourth Amendment rights of all Americans by ending the bulk collection of personal data, but it also better ensured national security by closing a loophole that prevented the government from tracking foreign terrorists once they entered the United States.”