Press Releases

Sen. Lee Statement on Utah Retaining Apache Battalion

Jan 9, 2018

“I am delighted that the Army has publicly announced its stationing decision for the AH-64 Apache Attack-Reconnaissance Battalions, allowing Utah’s airmen to continue their mission for our nation and contributions to total Army end strength,” Senator Lee stated. “After fighting for performance-based decision making for four years on the Senate Armed Services Committee, it is appropriate that Utah’s guardsmen and women will continue fulfilling their commitments to our country through their contributions to readiness with the Apache.”

Sen. Lee Statement on Passing of President Monson

Jan 3, 2018

SALT LAKE CITY – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement today regarding the death of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints President Monson. “President Thomas S Monson was a dedicated disciple who spent almost eight decades in the service of his fellow men and his God. He was a strong advocate for Christlike love and the principle of eternal families, and his years as prophet were marked by a massive expansion of the missionary system and the temple network. He led by example, and his messages of love, redemption, and optimism will continue to inspire and shape those he leaves behind, both in and outside the church. My prayers and the prayers of many others are with him and his family today.”

Sens. Markey and Lee Query Dept. of Homeland Security on Expansion of Facial Recognition Scanning Programs at U.S. Airports

Dec 21, 2017

Lawmakers ask for more information since Congress has never authorized biometric exit scanning for U.S. citizens

Sen. Lee Statement on Final Passage of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Dec 20, 2017

“American working families deserve a tax cut and this bill delivers it to them,” Sen. Lee said. “According to the left of center Tax Policy Center, this bill will reduce taxes for all income groups in 2018 by an average of $1,600. And according to The Washington Post, a Utah family with two kids making the median $62,000 a year would see a $1,675 tax cut. Delivering more take home pay for these working Utahn families is why I voted for this bill.”

Sen. Lee Applauds President Trump's Jerusalem Announcement

Dec 6, 2017

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Wednesday after President Trump issued a proclamation recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Sen. Lee Thanks President Trump for First Step in Protecting Utah’s Rural Communities

Dec 4, 2017

SALT LAKE CITY – Sen. Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Monday after President Trump announced significant reductions to both the Grand Staircase-Escalante and Bears Ears national monuments.

Sen. Lee Statement on Passage of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Dec 2, 2017

"Utah families are the big winners tonight thanks to the doubling of the child tax credit to $2,000,” Sen. Lee said. “I wish we could have done more for working families by making that credit refundable, but we did lay the groundwork for future pro-family tax reform and I am confident we will get there someday.”

Sens. Rubio, Lee Reaffirm Commitment to Child Tax Credit Expansion

Dec 1, 2017

WASHINGTON – Sens. Marco Rubio (R-FL.) and Mike Lee (R-UT) today reaffirmed their commitment to expanding access to the child tax credit in the Senate tax reform bill. “Our amendment would make a small change in this bill, but a huge difference in the lives of working families,” Senator Lee said. "We need pro-growth and pro-worker tax reform, and that’s what this amendment aims to do by allowing working families to keep more of their own hard-earned money,” Senator Rubio said.

Sens. Lee and Rubio to Introduce Child Tax Credit Refundability Amendment

Nov 29, 2017

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Mike Lee (R-UT) will introduce an amendment to the Senate tax bill that would give working American families a far larger share of tax relief than the existing bill currently does. Senators Rubio and Lee explained: “We have a chance to do better by working families in this tax bill. Right now, 70 percent of the tax cuts we’re considering would go to businesses, and only 30 percent to individuals. This amendment would level the playing field for families, while still kick-starting national investment and growth. By increasing access to the Child Tax Credit, we can increase working family fairness and deliver overdue relief to America’s greatest investor class: our moms and dads.”

Sen. Lee Statement on MacManus Nomination

Nov 28, 2017

WASHINGTON –Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) released the following statement today regarding the nomination of Joseph Macmanus to be the US Ambassador to Colombia: "I was extremely disappointed to learn that Joseph Macmanus has been nominated to become the United States ambassador to Colombia,” Sen. Lee said. "At a time when we should be cleaning up the State Department and realigning our foreign-policy priorities to reflect those of the current administration, an Obama-era diplomat is not the right person to head our embassy in Colombia, a critical U.S. ally in the region.”