Press Releases

Sen. Lee Statement on Mike Pompeo's Confirmation

Apr 26, 2018

“I am pleased President Trump selected a well-qualified individual to serve as our next Secretary of State. Mike Pompeo is a friend and former colleague, and I have no doubts about his commitment to public service or his ability to perform the job in such a time as this,” Sen. Mike Lee said. “I look forward to working with him in his new role to ensure our State Department is doing the work it is supposed to do for the American people.”

Sen. Lee Responds to President’s Letter on Syria Strike

Apr 16, 2018

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Monday in response to a White House letter purporting to identify sufficient constitutional authority for Friday night’s attack on Syria. “No President of the United States, no matter party or political ideology, has the authority to unilaterally start a war. While the president has the authority under the War Powers Act to respond when the U.S. is under attack or in imminent danger, such circumstances did not exist with regard to Syria. Promoting regional stability, mitigating humanitarian catastrophe, and deterring the use of chemical weapons might be important foreign policy goals, but if they are to be pursued with military force, a president must first seek congressional authorization.”

Sen. Lee Introduces Aviation Empowerment Act

Apr 11, 2018

“Innovation is key to competition and accessibility.” Sen. Lee said. “This bill adds definition and clarity to existing rules that will help unleash that innovation in the aviation community. Studies and experience with cost-sharing services have proven to be safe and effective in other countries, and it is past time we enact them in our country.

Utah Tops Social Capital Index of United States

Apr 11, 2018

The Joint Economic Committee of the United States Congress issued a new report Wednesday, showing that Utah has the highest level of social capital of any state in the nation.

Sen. Lee Calls for Congressional Vote Before Force Used in Syria

Apr 9, 2018

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Monday morning in response to the reported use of chemical weapons in Syria. “The use of chemical weapons absolutely requires a response from the United States,” Sen. Lee said. "But if that response is going to include military force, the President of the United States should come to Congress and ask for authorization before military force is used."

Sen. Lee Comments on Doug Wright's Retirement

Apr 2, 2018

SALT LAKE CITY – On Friday, Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) released the following statement after Doug Wright announced his retirement from KSL News Radio and the Doug Wright show:

Sens. Grassley and Lee Call for Oversight of DOJ Prosecutors

Mar 23, 2018

WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) sent a letter to Department of Justice Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Thursday, asking for an update on the Justice Department’s inquiry into alleged prosecutorial misconduct regarding Vascular Solutions, Inc.

Sen. Lee Responds to Senate Vote on Yemen Resolution

Mar 20, 2018

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Tuesday after the Senate voted to table a War Powers resolution that would have ended U.S. involvement in Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen. “The power to declare war belongs to Congress,” Sen. Lee said. “By tabling this measure today we have chosen yet again to abdicate our constitutional responsibility.”

Senators Respond to Pentagon’s Yemen War Letter

Mar 13, 2018

WASHINGTON – Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT), Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and Chris Murphy (D-CT) responded to a Department of Defense letter last week that outlined the Pentagon’s opposition to a War Powers Resolution motion that would end United States involvement in Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen. “For too long, and under both parties, Congress has abdicated its responsibility to provide authorization for the use of military force,” the senators’ letter reads. “S.J. Res. 54 begins the process of reasserting congressional responsibility for the decision to commit U.S. armed forced to military conflict. Regardless of what one thinks of our involvement in Yemen, as we enter a fourth year of helping the Saudis prosecute this war it is important that Congress either provides express authorization for our involvement in the conflict or calls on the president to cease operations.”

Sen. Lee Comments on President Trump’s North Korea Announcement

Mar 9, 2018

“I believe diplomacy is the best tool to address the escalation of continued military provocation from North Korea and I am hopeful this meeting will be fruitful,” Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) said. “The situation in North Korea is dire - both for those living there and those affected by the regime – but military engagement in the Pacific would also come at a high cost. I am hopeful that these negotiations will lead to cessation of reckless weapons–wielding and needless human suffering.”