Press Releases

Sen. Lee Introduces Bill to Make Mexico City Policy Permanent

Jan 22, 2019

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) introduced legislation Friday that would make the administration’s “Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance” policy, former known as the Mexico City Policy, permanent statutory policy. “The administration’s ban on funding overseas organizations that promote abortion has already saves and will continue to save countless lives across the globe,” Lee said. “We cannot leave the fate of these regulations up to the whims of successive presidents. Congress must now step up and do what they can to turn the ‘Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance’ executive order into law.”

Sen. Lee Delivers Remarks on March for Life

Jan 16, 2019

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) today spoke on the Senate floor regarding the 46th annual March for Life, to be held in Washington, D.C. this Friday. “The story of American history is the story of our nation overcoming oppression, protecting the vulnerable in our laws and with our lives. From Independence Hall to the Bill of Rights, from the abolition of slavery to universal suffrage to the Civil Rights movement, to the triumph over Nazism, fascism, and communism… the American people have fought through prejudice and pride to assert and to defend the equal dignity of every member of our human family.

Sens. Lee and Romney Introduce the Protect Utah's Rural Economy Act

Jan 10, 2019

WASHINGTON – Today, Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Mitt Romney (R-UT) reintroduced the Protect Utah’s Rural Economy (PURE) Act. The bill would protect Utah from presidential Antiquities Act abuse in much the same way Alaska and Wyoming are currently protected.

Sen. Lee Calls for End to Shutdown and Border Crisis

Jan 8, 2019

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Tuesday after President Trump’s address from the White House.

Sen. Lee Applauds U.S.-Mexico Asylum Agreement

Dec 21, 2018

WASHINGTON—Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement today responding to Thursday’s Department of Homeland Security announcement that the United States and Mexico had reached an agreement that will help solve the migrant crisis: “I applaud Secretary Nielsen’s announcement yesterday of the Migration Protection Protocol. For too long our asylum system has been overloaded and subject to serious abuse. The Administration’s new policy is a strong first step toward solving these problems and putting the system on a more sustainable footing,” Lee said.

Sen. Lee Comments on Public Lands Bill

Dec 21, 2018

WASHINGTON - Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Friday regarding a public lands package that failed to pass the Senate Wednesday night: “I understand people’s frustration, and I share it. Governor Herbert, like 49 other governors, has been completely cut out of this broken, unfair process. He has no choice but to accept the process and simply hope to get what he can out of it.

Sen. Lee Applauds Passage of the First Step Act

Dec 18, 2018

WASHINGTON—Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement following the Senate’s passage of The First Step Act: “We did it. We passed real bipartisan criminal justice reform. Thanks to the hard work of my colleagues, American families will be stronger and our communities will be safer. This is a huge win for America and President Trump.”

Sen. Lee Releases Statement on Passage of S.J.R. 54

Dec 13, 2018

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) released the following statement today after the Senate passed S.J.R. 54, a resolution leveraging their War Powers authority to end U.S. involvement in Yemen.

Senate Calls on State Department to Continue Search for Missing Utahn

Nov 30, 2018

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) secured unanimous consent Thursday for passage of a Senate resolution calling on the State Department to continue its investigation into the likelihood that Utahn David Sneddon was abducted by the current totalitarian North Korean regime.

Sens. Lee, Hatch Introduce Bill Renaming VA Outstation After Major Brent Taylor

Nov 29, 2018

Today, Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Orrin Hatch (R-UT) introduced a Senate resolution renaming the North Ogden Department of Veteran’s Affairs outstation the Major Brent Taylor Vet Center Outstation. A companion bill was introduced on Tuesday, November 20th, 2018 by Rep. Rob Bishop (R-UT) and was cosponsored by Reps. Chris Stewart (R-UT), John Curtis (R-UT) and Mia Love (R-UT). The bill would rename the outstation after Major Brent Taylor, who made the ultimate sacrifice on November 3rd, 2018 while deployed to Afghanistan. Prior to that deployment, he served as Mayor of North Ogden, where the outstation is located.