Press Releases

Sen. Lee Introduces Bill to Protect Americans from Attack Drones

Nov 13, 2020

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) introduced the Enhanced Protection from Unmanned Aircraft Attacks Act Thursday, legislation designed to better protect Americans from malicious drone usage. “Drones already benefit this nation in so many ways, and I know Americans will keep coming up with new ways for them to help us,” Sen. Lee said. “Unfortunately, there are also those who use this technology for malicious purposes, and law enforcement needs the manpower to counter this threat.”

Senators Ask Google CEO to Explain Apparent Election-Related Disparities

Nov 5, 2020

WASHINGTON — U.S. Senators Mike Lee (R-UT), Ron Johnson (R-WI), and Ted Cruz (R-TX) today sent a letter to Google CEO Sundar Pichai after a nonpartisan study raised questions about whether Google targeted get-out-the-vote messages specifically to liberal users in the run-up to the election. In testimony before the Senate last month, Mr. Pichai said that Google does not alter any product to promote a specific political viewpoint.

Sen. Lee Introduces Protections for Good Faith PPP Borrowers and Lenders Act

Oct 27, 2020

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) introduced the Protections for Good Faith PPP Borrowers and Lenders Act Monday, legislation designed to protect good faith borrowers and lenders from penalties associated with the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).

Sens. Lee Tillis Grassley Introduce SMARTER Antirust Reform

Oct 27, 2020

WASHINGTON – Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT), Thom Tillis (R-NC), and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) introduced the Standard Merger and Acquisition Reviews Through Equal Rules Act, or SMARTER Act, Monday, a bill that would require the Federal Trade Commission to go through the same procedures that the Department of Justice must go through when enforcing antitrust law, and would require the Federal Communications Commission to issue merger review decisions expeditiously.

Sen. Lee Introduces UNSHACKLE Act to Reform NEPA

Oct 26, 2020

WASHINGTON. -Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) introduced the “Undoing NEPA’s Substantial Harm by Advancing Concepts that Kickstart the Liberation of the Economy” or UNSHACKLE Act on Monday, legislation that would comprehensively reform the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The bill is cosponsored by Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Kevin Cramer (R-ND).

Sen. Lee Introduces NEPA Legal Reform Act

Oct 21, 2020

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) introduced the NEPA Legal Reform Act Wednesday, legislation that would make it harder for special interests to delay much-needed infrastructure projects with nuisance lawsuits. “Environmental planning is absolutely essential to sustainable growth, but unfortunately NEPA has been turned into a weapon used by special interests to delay much-needed infrastructure and maintenance projects throughout our country,” Sen. Lee said. “The NEPA Legal Reform Act is common sense policy that will reduce nuisance lawsuits, make infrastructure projects more efficient and affordable, all while preserving the necessary environmental planning process.”

Sen. Lee Encouraged by DOJ Antitrust Complaint Against Google

Oct 20, 2020

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Tuesday after learning of the Department of Justice’s antitrust complaint against Google: “This morning’s Department of Justice antitrust lawsuit against Google is an encouraging sign in our country’s ongoing battle against the pernicious influence of Big Tech. I am glad that the Department of Justice is taking claims of monopolistic and anticompetitive conduct seriously. Our recent Antitrust Subcommittee hearing on Google’s advertising business revealed its anticompetitive conduct may not be limited to search. I hope the Department will follow the evidence to end monopolistic behavior wherever it finds it.”

Highlights from Sen. Lee’s Opening Statement

Oct 12, 2020

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) delivered opening remarks at Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing today. A full video and transcript of the speech can be found here. Below are some highlights: “We’ve heard this morning a number of arguments. They are essentially policy arguments, many of them geared toward actual policies, in some cases actual pieces of legislation.”

Sen. Lee Posts Attending Physician Letter Recommending End to Isolation

Oct 12, 2020

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) posted a letter he received from Attending Physician of the United States Congress Dr. Brian Monahan Monday, containing guidance about his COVID-19 status. A full copy of the letter can be read below, but the penultimate paragraph reads: “Based upon current CDC guidelines, you have met criteria to end COVID-19 isolation for those with mild to moderate disease. Specifically, it has been greater than 10 days since symptom onset, you have had no fever in absence of fever reducing medication for at least 24 hours, and your other symptoms have improved. The CDC does not recommend repeat SARS-CoV-2 PCR testing if these criteria are met.”

Sen. Lee Leads Reform to Help Veteran Careers

Oct 9, 2020

WASHINGTON - Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) sent a letter to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) conference Thursday, encouraging them to adopt a Senate-led proposal on the 180-day rule which has only served to hurt veterans and their families without providing any protection for taxpayers.