Press Releases

Sens. Lee, Moran, and Braun Introduce PROMISE Act to Hold Big Tech Accountable

Feb 25, 2021

WASHINGTON – Sens. Mike Lee (R-Utah), Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), and Mike Braun (R-Ind.) yesterday introduced the Promoting Responsibility Over Moderation In the Social Media Environment (PROMISE) Act, a bill designed to hold Big Tech companies accountable for their promises to not operate their social medial platforms with political bias.

ICYMI: Sen. Lee’s Breakdown of the Lee-Rubio Child Tax Credit Plan

Feb 24, 2021

“Government policy should recognize families’ indispensable contributions to our nation’s long-term health and prosperity. And families should not face a penalty if one parent chooses to stay home with his or her kids. The Lee-Rubio plan would help address the parent penalty by nearly doubling the Child Tax Credit. The plan would also eliminate the stay-at-home parent penalty by turning the childcare credit into a ‘young child’ enhancement that families of all stripes can access. With $4,500 for young children and $3,500 for children ages six to 17, every family would be better off. Let’s ensure that families are treated fairly by our tax code.”

Sen. Lee Sets Senate Republican Antitrust Agenda for 117th Congress

Feb 16, 2021

WASHINGTON – Upon being assigned the Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee, Senator Lee issued the following statement today on antitrust matters in the 117th Congress: “Antitrust law and policy continues to grab headlines and attract attention in Congress, and there appears to be a broad consensus that the status quo isn’t working. With the Senate split 50-50, any effort to reform or update our antitrust laws will need to be a bipartisan effort with buy-in from both sides. I look forward to playing a leading role in that process, including by reintroducing the One Agency Act with new provisions to address the inequities of FCC merger review. I appreciate Sen. Klobuchar’s opening contribution to this bipartisan discussion, and am excited to work through the details with her and others to reach a consensus approach to improving antitrust enforcement for the 21st century.

Sen. Lee Statement on Acquittal of Former President Trump

Feb 13, 2021

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) today issued the following statement after the Senate’s acquittal of former President Donald Trump. “The House managers’ burden in this trial was to prove first, that the Senate should exercise its impeachment jurisdiction in a case against a former president; and second, that he committed the high crime of inciting an insurrection. The House managers did not clear either hurdle.

Sens. Lee, King Introduce Bill to Strengthen American Manufacturing

Feb 10, 2021

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Angus King (I-Maine) on Monday introduced the Reinforcing American-Made Products Act, a bill that strengthens American manufacturing by creating one national “Made in USA” labeling standard. “Now more than ever, Americans care about the ‘Made in USA’ label; and they should because it shows consumers a product is of high quality and supports good jobs here in America,” Sen. Lee said. “Unfortunately, some states have made it unnecessarily difficult for businesses to use the ‘Made in USA’ label and empowered trial lawyers to get rich through differing labeling standards. This bill solves that problem by making one national standard for the ‘Made in USA’ label.”

Sen. Lee Introduces Resolution to Protect D.C. Parents’ Rights, Children’s Health

Feb 8, 2021

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) today introduced a congressional Joint Resolution disapproving of the District of Columbia government’s recently passed “Minor Consent for Vaccinations Amendments Act of 2020.” The law would allow children as young as 11-years old to consent to vaccinations without their parents’ knowledge – a dangerous violation of parental rights and children’s health.

Sen. Lee Comments on January Employment Numbers

Feb 5, 2021

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), Member of the Joint Economic Committee, today released the following statement in response to the U.S. Labor Department January 2021 jobs report: “The first month of the new year brings news of 49,000 jobs added in January. With more Americans finding work and getting vaccinated, we are now closer than ever before to moving beyond the pandemic. As more of the economy fully reopens, America is poised to gain millions of jobs back this year that were lost to COVID-19, and indications suggest we are at the beginning of a streak of good news.”

Sen. Lee Leads Legislation to Protect Women’s Sports

Feb 5, 2021

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) yesterday led 13 of his colleagues in introducing the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, legislation that would protect athletic opportunities for female athletes. “When transgender athletes compete against women, women’s sports are no longer women’s sports; they become unisex athletic events,” Sen. Lee said. “This bill would protect the opportunity of girls throughout America to athletically compete against other girls.”

Sen. Lee Statement on “Vote-a-Rama” and Passage of HSA Amendment

Feb 5, 2021

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) today commented on last night’s Senate budget “vote-a-rama” session, during which three Lee amendments were voted on, including passage of his amendment expanding Americans’ access to Health Savings Accounts. “Last night was what the Senate should look like all the time,” Sen. Lee said. “We debated and voted up-or-down on dozens of amendments offered by Senators from both parties.”

Sen. Lee Introduces Working Families Flexibility Act

Feb 4, 2021

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) today introduced the Working Families Flexibility Act, a bill that would give employees more flexibility on how to use their overtime benefits. Sen. Lee was joined by Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), along with eleven of their colleagues. “For many families, especially those with young children, their most precious commodity is time with each other – and that has never been more challenging to balance with work than during the current pandemic,” said Sen. Lee. “For decades, federal labor laws have unfortunately restricted the way parents and workers can use their time, while giving special exemptions from these laws to government employees. This is unacceptable: the same work-life options available to government employees should be available to private-sector workers as well, especially during these challenging times.”