Press Releases

Lee Statement on President's Upcoming Speech

Sep 7, 2011

The President’s agenda for the past two and half years has been a failure. From persistent unemployment to the first credit downgrade in our country’s history, President Obama's economic policies are making Americans worse off. For the good of the country, the President should advocate proposals that will get the federal government off the backs of the country's job creators and incentivize investment in our economy.

Senator Lee Responds to Justice Department's Decision to Block AT&T and T-Mobile Merger

Sep 1, 2011

I am disappointed in the Justice Department's decision to seek to block the proposed merger between AT&T and T-Mobile. The Senate Antitrust Subcommittee received significant evidence that the transaction could benefit consumers through enhanced service quality, expanded network capacity, increased data speeds, and continued innovation of data-rich handset devices and applications. I look forward to reviewing the Department's analysis and trust that the merger review process will be directed towards maximization of consumer welfare.

U.S. Senator Mike Lee Responds to S&P Downgrade of United States

Aug 5, 2011

U.S. Senator Mike Lee responded to S&P lowering the long held AAA rating for the United States saying, “This downgrade confirms what we have known was coming, but have chosen to ignore. It confirms that the true threat to our country, our economy and our way of life is our debt and the continued deficit spending Washington and the Obama administration are pursuing.”

Heller, Lee , Four Senators Demand Transparency from Joint Committee

Aug 4, 2011

The American people have a right to know what their government is going to do with their tax dollars. Not only do closed door meetings by this Committee prevent the public from knowing how their dollars are being spent, but these meetings also have the potential to promote deals with special interests. Open door proceedings will allow the public to be their own advocates, rather than relying on games of inside baseball that too often dominate today’s Washington.

Lee Congratulates Barlow on Nomination

Aug 3, 2011

Today, Senator Lee congratulated David Barlow on his nomination as U.S. Attorney for the State of Utah.

Budget Control Act is a 'Disappointing Failure'

Aug 2, 2011

The Budget Control Act represents a disappointing failure on the part of this Congress. We have squandered the best opportunity we had to fundamentally reform the way Washington spends money and put the nation on a sustainable path toward a balanced budget. Instead, this bill increases our national debt by more than $2 trillion and cuts spending by only $7 billion over the same time period. There is no reliable enforcement mechanism for future spending reductions. We only have the hollow promises from a Congress that created the mess in the first place.

Debt Proposals are "Typical Washington Answers"

Jul 25, 2011

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee released the following statement on the debt proposals released by Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Harry Reid: "Both plans represent typical Washington answers to the federal government's out-of-control spending problem. They add trillions to the national debt in the short-term while making hollow promises to cut spending in the long-term. Neither of the proposals fundamentally reform the way Washington spends money, require the federal government to balance its budget, or protect our triple-A credit rating."

Lee: Blocking 'Cut, Cap, and Balance' Vote is Shameful and Despicable

Jul 22, 2011

Following a procedural vote to prevent the "Cut, Cap, and Balance Act" from coming to the Senate floor, Senator Mike Lee released the following statement: Today, Majority Leader Harry Reid used procedural tactic to prevent a vote on a bill that is supported by two-thirds of the country. It is shameful, despicable, and an abuse of this chamber. We weren’t even allowed sufficient time to debate the one bill in Congress that would address the country’s most immediate challenges.

Poll Shows 66% of Americans Support Cut, Cap, Balance

Jul 21, 2011

Today, Senator Mike Lee highlighted a new CNN poll that shows two-thirds of the American people support the "cut, cap, and balance" approach to solving the nation’s debt crisis.

Lee: Cut, Cap, and Balance is Plan A, B, and C

Jul 20, 2011

Cut, Cap, and Balance is Plan A, B, and C because it is the only plan that will, a, protect the U.S. triple-A bond rating, b, balance the budget, and, c, raise the debt ceiling with Republican support