Press Releases

Lee Announces Mobile Office Hours

Oct 19, 2011

Today, Senator Lee announced the launch of his Mobile Office Hours. The project is an effort to reach constituents across Utah who might not otherwise be able to meet with casework officers at Senator Lee’s offices in Salt Lake City and St. George. The Mobile Office will hold events in multiple locations throughout all 29 counties within the State. The full schedule will appear on Senator Lee’s website and be updated periodically.

Lee to Offer Motion to Cut Spending

Oct 19, 2011

Today, Senator Mike Lee will offer a motion to keep 2012 spending levels on certain appropriations at 2011 levels. Submitted as a motion to recommit on the “minibus” spending bill – which funds areas in agriculture, transportation, and commerce, among others – Senator Lee’s motion would save tax payers $10 billion next year.

Lee Introduces the DASH Act

Oct 13, 2011

Today, Senator Mike Lee introduced a bill to help dairy and ranch owners maintain the foreign workers they need to keep their businesses operating year-round, without creating a legal path to citizenship for workers. The Dairy and Sheep H2A (DASH) Act would make dairy workers, sheep herders, and goat herders eligible to apply for year-round positions through the H2A visa program. Currently, temporary farm workers are only able to obtain seasonal visas.

Senators and Congressmen Introduce the Northern Arizona Mining Continuity Act

Oct 12, 2011

In a recent letter to Department of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, several members of Congress wrote in protest of the Secretary's proposed a one million acre withdrawal of mining rights. The members stated the withdrawal has nothing to do with protecting the Grand Canyon environment but is actually ‘de facto wilderness’ for a region that conservationists previously agreed would remain accessible to the mining industry. The Interior Department’s own environmental study on the proposed withdrawal found ‘no conclusive evidence’ that modern-day mining operations in this area are harming the Grand Canyon watershed.

Lee Statement on China Currency Bill

Oct 6, 2011

There are better, more productive ways to create jobs than to threaten a trade war with our largest trading partner. Tariffs only serve to increase costs for American businesses and consumers. Instead, we should be looking at ways to grow the economy by reducing excessive regulation, fundamentally reforming the tax code, getting our fiscal house in order, and increasing our domestic energy supply.

Sen. Lee Submits Jobs and Economic Stimulus Legislation

Oct 5, 2011

Today, Senator Mike Lee submitted legislation that would create millions of new jobs and inject $1 trillion into the American economy by significantly reducing the excessive tax on repatriated assets. Sen. Lee’s proposal would permanently lower the tax rate for businesses from 35% to 5% on money earned overseas and brought back to this country.

Lee Endorses Johnson for Vice Chair

Sep 22, 2011

Today, Senator Mike Lee announced his support for Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) to be Senate Republican Conference Vice Chairman.

Lee Statement on Schmidt Testimony

Sep 21, 2011

As a strong supporter of free markets, competition, and innovation, I was disappointed by the testimony of Google chairman Eric Schmidt. I had hoped to hear the company acknowledge the responsibilities that accompany its preeminent position in the Internet search market and address concerns many have raised about Google’s possible anti-competitive activities. Unfortunately, I fear that some of the testimony in today’s hearing may only encourage those who are calling for legal enforcement or government regulation. I am hopeful that we can avoid those outcomes, and encourage Google to take appropriate voluntary action to resolve these concerns.

Senator Lee's Google Antitrust Hearing Opening Statement

Sep 21, 2011

WASHINGTON—Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) today delivered the following opening statement at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Capitol Hill. Lee, the ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Antitrust Subcommittee, called for the oversight hearing on Google to review the company's fair competition practices.

Utah Congressional Delegation Introduces Legislation to Address Growing Threat From Prairie Dogs

Sep 20, 2011

Members of Utah’s Congressional Delegation today joined together to introduce legislation to address the damage being done by prairie dogs. Sens. Orrin Hatch and Mike Lee, and Reps. Jim Matheson, Jason Chaffetz, and Rob Bishop joined together to introduce the Protecting Public Safety and Sacred Sites from the Utah Prairie Dog Act, which will permit the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to take much-needed steps to protect Utahns from the hazards posed to public safety from prairie dogs.