Press Releases

Senator Lee: Cordray Appointment Shows Disrespect for Constitution

Jan 5, 2012

The President’s decision yesterday to bypass the Senate and make four controversial recess appointments shows an alarming disrespect for Congress and our constitutional system of separation of powers. Article II, Section 2, paragraph 2 of the Constitution provides that such appointments must receive the “Advice and Consent” of the Senate. Article II, Section 2 elsewhere provides that the President may “fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate,” but Presidential practice and Senate precedent has long established that this authority does not extend to brief breaks such as the one used by the President yesterday to make his ill-advised appointments.

Lee Sponsors Bill to Protect American Civil Liberties

Dec 15, 2011

Today, Senator Mike Lee co-sponsored the Due Process Guarantee Act of 2011, which clarifies that a declaration of war or authorization for the use of military force by Congress does not authorize the indefinite detention of American citizens or legal residents who are apprehended in the United States.

Lee Statement on BBA Vote

Dec 14, 2011

Though it was no surprise that getting the requisite two-thirds vote on either amendment was a tough hill to climb, I am shocked that more than sixty percent of the Democrat caucus could not support either version.

Lee Urges Senate to Pass Meaningful Spending Restriction

Dec 12, 2011

Ahead of this week’s vote in the Senate on two competing versions of a balanced budget amendment, Senator Lee urged his colleagues to support S. J. Res 10, the only version that will lead to meaningful spending restraint.

Lee Land Bill Clears Congress

Dec 8, 2011

Yesterday, legislation introduced by Senator Mike Lee passed both chambers of Congress for the first time. The House voted unanimously in approval of its version of a bill that authorizes the transfer of vacant and virtually unused federal land in Utah to the growing city of Mantua. The Senate version has already been passed, also unanimously.

Lee Calls for Iran Sanctions

Dec 2, 2011

"The United States needs to send a clear message to the government of Iran that we will not tolerate the threats posed by the Iranian regime’s actions," said Senator Lee, who sites on the Foreign Relations committee. "Their pursuit of nuclear weapons poses a serious threat to the United States, Israel, and other allies. This amendment sends a clear signal to the Iranian regime that they will not be allowed to participate in the global economic system if they continue to destabilize the region."

Lee cosponsors the North American Energy Security Act

Dec 1, 2011

Today, Senator Mike Lee cosponsored the North American Energy Security Act, which would authorize the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.

Lee Supports Detainee Protections for American Citizens

Nov 30, 2011

Today, Senator Mike Lee announced his support for legislation that would prevent any American citizen from being held indefinitely by the military without trial. The provision is an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, which is currently being considered by the U.S. Senate.

Lee Statement on Failure of Super Committee

Nov 21, 2011

Even after the failure of the Super Committee, Congress still has an obligation to cut spending, balance the budget, and make the necessary reforms to restrain its ability to do significantly greater damage to our economy. I still believe the principles established in the Cut, Cap, and Balance legislation I introduced earlier this year provide the way forward for Congress to achieve these goals, get its fiscal house in order, and regain our triple-A credit rating.

Senators Demand Details On Kagan’s Health Law ‘Role’

Nov 18, 2011

Members of Congress have been trying to determine whether Justice Elena Kagan has a conflict of interest with respect to participating in litigation in the Supreme Court challenging the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) due to her involvement with and support for this legislation while a member of the Justice Department.