Press Releases

Lee Commends State Legislature on Recent Session

Mar 12, 2012

The ability of a State to oversee the land within its borders is inextricably tied to economic growth as well as critical funding for education. The federal government – which owns nearly seven out of every 10 acres in Utah – has had far too much control, for far too long.

Hatch Act Modernization Act Introduced

Mar 12, 2012

While federal employees must ensure that their first priority is serving the people, they are also citizens and deserve to have their freedoms protected. If we can update the Hatch Act to provide for greater flexibility for public workers while still ensuring the legitimacy of our politics, there should be no reason for anyone to oppose such a change.

Lee Blasts Reid on Nominations ‘Stunt’

Mar 12, 2012

Senator Harry Reid’s action is nothing more than a political stunt designed to distract the American people from the Democrats’ legislative failures. His sudden interest in judicial nominations is a desperate attempt to draw attention away from his party's failure to address our nation's economic emergencies.

Lee Speaks In Opposition of Antitrust Railroad Amendment

Mar 8, 2012

Today, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) took to the Senate floor in opposition of Senator Herb Kohl's (D-WI) railroad antitrust amendment. Lee opposes the amendment because it would add an additional layer of government oversight to an industry already burdened by extensive government regulation. A portion of the remarks are available below, and the full text can be viewed here.

Lee Opposes Nomination of Hurwitz to Ninth Circuit Court

Mar 1, 2012

I oppose the nomination of Andrew Hurwitz based on concerns I have with his constitutional jurisprudence.

Western Caucus Examines Washington Barriers to Prosperity and Property Rights in the West

Feb 29, 2012

Today, Senate Western Caucus Chairman John Barrasso (R-WY), Congressional Western Caucus Chairman Steve Pearce (R-NM), Hearing Chairman Mike Crapo (R-ID) and Members of the Senate and Congressional Western Caucuses hosted a bicameral hearing entitled “Washington Barriers to Prosperity and Property Rights in the West.”

Pompeo, DeMint, Lee and Johnson to Hold Bicameral Press Conference Tomorrow

Feb 29, 2012

Congressman Mike Pompeo (KS-04) will join Senators Jim Demint (R-SC), Mike Lee (R-UT), and Ron Johnson (R-WI) tomorrow at a press conference to highlight their efforts to end all energy subsidies in the tax code, including the controversial wind production tax credit.

Lee Attends Hearing on Due Process Rights

Feb 29, 2012

Today, in a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee entitled, “The Due Process Guarantee Act: Banning Indefinite Detention of Americans,” Senator Mike Lee reaffirmed his support for legislation that would clarify that the U.S. government does not have the authority to detain without trial American citizens apprehended on U.S. soil.

LEE: Merger of Pharmacy Benefit Managers a Significant Transaction That Could Benefit Consumers

Feb 23, 2012

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Mike Lee sent a letter to the Federal Trade Commission regarding the proposed merger between Express Scripts, Inc. and Medco Health Solutions, Inc.  Lee, the Ranking Member on the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Antitrust Subcommittee, noted that the merger of these two large pharmacy benefit managers (“PBMs”) is a significant transaction that should be given careful consideration by the FTC.  Lee’s letter urged the FTC to pay close attention to the pro-competitive effects that may result from the merger.

“The merger of these PBMs may pose some risks to the market’s competitive balance but overall has the potential to create meaningful efficiencies and provide significant savings for consumers.” 

“The combined entity may produce significant cost savings for health plan sponsors by means of its increased bargaining power and its improved tools for closing gaps in care, promoting adherence to medications, and overall disease management.”

“I am not aware of significant evidence that this merger will result in decreased competition among viable PBMs able to service most companies and accounts.”

Lee stated that any anticompetitive effects of the merger on community pharmacies would be of special concern, “in light of the important service those small businesses provide to rural and otherwise underserved residents in my State and throughout the country.”   

Lee’s letter added that it is important to remember that the purpose of the antitrust laws is to maximize consumer welfare, not to protect competitors, and that “government regulators must be careful not to intervene in a manner that will constrain productive market forces.”

Lee Responds to Sen. Reid’s Threats on “Recess” Appointments

Feb 17, 2012

WASHINGTON – This afternoon Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) openly threatened Senate Republicans who are opposing presidential nominees based on President Obama's unconstitutional use of his recess appointment power.  In a speech on the Senate floor, Reid said that unless Republicans changed course, he would "recommend to the president he recess appoint all these people, every one of them." 

“It is odd, to say the least, for the Senate Majority Leader to suggest that unless we stop responding to the President's unconstitutional actions, more unconstitutional actions will follow,” said Senator Lee.  “Senator Reid has condoned and encouraged further use of President Obama's unprecedented practice of making unconstitutional ‘recess’ appointments even when the Senate does not consider itself to be in recess. As Majority Leader, Senator Reid has a responsibility to defend the rightful prerogatives of the Senate against encroachment by the President. His failure has the potential to last long beyond this Administration or any partisan gains for the Democrats."