Press Releases

Feinstein, Lee Introduce Amendment to Protect Civil Liberties

Nov 29, 2012

Today, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) introduced an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would protect American citizens from being indefinitely detained.

Lee Calls to End Process of ‘Filling the Tree’

Nov 15, 2012

Today, Senator Mike Lee called on the Senate Majority Leader to end the abuse of procedural tactics used to prevent debate on legislation. In a speech on the Senate floor, Senator Lee said that by "filling the tree" the Majority Leader blocked other senators from offering "any amendments other than those few that the majority leader decided could be offered."

Lee Visits All 29 Utah Counties

Nov 8, 2012

Today, Senator Lee visited Sanpete County, accomplishing his goal of visiting all 29 Utah counties in the calendar year. In visiting more than 40 cities and towns across Utah, Senator Lee met with state representatives, local officials, business leaders, educators, military officials and hundreds of constituents about a range of issues that face Utahans and offer solutions on how his office can help.

Lee Statement on House Oversight Committee Hearing on Benghazi Attacks

Oct 10, 2012

I am tremendously disappointed by press reports that suggest the Obama administration relayed incomplete or inaccurate information to the American people following the attack at our embassy in Benghazi. While representatives of the White House went before the American people to describe the attacks as ‘spontaneous’ and the unfortunate result of protests over an anti-Islamic video on YouTube, the State Department says that it never believed that account, and did not reflect the information they were sending to the White House.

Lee Statement On Fallen Border Patrol Agent

Oct 3, 2012

WASHINGTON—Today, Senator Mike Lee issued the following statement regarding the death of Border Patrol Agent Nicholas Ivie, who was killed yesterday at the Brian Terry Station near Naco, Arizona.

"Our hearts are heavy from the loss of Border Patrol Agent Nicholas Ivie, who was tragically killed yesterday while serving his country and his community. His death is a solemn  reminder of the selfless sacrifices made by our brave men and women in uniform every day.  It also brings home the often silent and unseen sacrifices made by the families of those who serve and protect this great nation. Nicholas grew up in Provo, Utah, so today we mourn the loss of a great American, and a great Utahn, a servant we thankfully and proudly call one of our own.

"Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Ivie family during this time."

Lee Satisfied With FTC Approval of EMI Merger

Sep 21, 2012

I am satisfied with the FTC’s decision to allow Universal Music Group’s acquisition of recording label EMI. In dynamic markets such as this one, in which innovation is constantly changing the means of production and distribution of music, government regulators must be careful not to intervene without evidence that a merger will harm consumers. The FTC’s decision appears to be fact-based, well-reasoned, and focused on consumer welfare. I trust that the acquisition of EMI will enable Universal’s labels and artists to continue recording, producing and distributing great music at a fair price.

Lee To Testify at Hearing on Obama’s Abuse of Power

Sep 12, 2012

Today, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) will testify at a hearing before the House Judiciary Committee on the “Obama Administration’s Abuse of Power.”  

Senator Lee will discuss the essential duty of the legislature to ensure that the executive branch does not exceed its rightful authority, a duty that has become even more important with President Obama in office.

“In recent decades we have witnessed the executive branch claim for itself more and more government power.  But this trend has reached new, disturbing levels under the current administration.  President Obama has treated the Constitution’s separation of powers as if it were a matter of convenience that may be ignored when it gets in his way.  Rather than cooperating with Congress or respecting the Constitution’s separation of powers, he has in many instances chosen to go it alone and in the process has exceeded the proper bounds of executive power.”  

Senator Lee will discuss President Obama’s unconstitutional recess appointments; his action to obstruct legislative oversight of his administration, including his abusive assertion of executive privilege with respect to Operation Fast & Furious documents; and his unilateral decision to issue an executive order contravening Congress’s immigration policy.

Senator Lee’s written testimony states, “As these examples demonstrate, when faced with opposition from Congress, President Obama has repeatedly sought to go it alone.  It is thus all the more necessary and important that Congress continue to exercise its constitutional role and check this President’s abuse of power.”  

The hearing will stream live from here at 10am ET, and full text of Senator Lee’s testimony is attached.

Lee Statement on Attack in Libya

Sep 12, 2012

Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of Ambassador Chris Stevens and the three other embassy staff members who were killed in the outrageous attacks on the U.S. facility in Libya. Ambassador Stevens served his country faithfully and bravely in one of the most dangerous parts of the world. I strongly condemn the violence that led to the unnecessary deaths of these American Foreign Service officers and pray that the remaining staff members will be safe.

Lee to Host Inaugural Constitution Bowl

Sep 11, 2012

On Friday, September 14, in celebration of the 225th Anniversary of the U.S. Constitution, Senator Mike Lee will host the first annual “Constitution Bowl.”

Lee Pleased Verizon-Spectrum Co Will Be Approved

Aug 17, 2012

WASHINGTON—Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Antitrust, Competition Policy, and Consumer Rights subcommittee, today released the following statement in regards to the Department of Justice’s approval of agreements between Verizon, Comcast, and three other cable companies:

"Vigorous competition is essential to consumer welfare in the wireless and cable markets.  I'm pleased that the Verizon-Spectrum Co transaction is moving forward.  As my letter to the FCC and DOJ outlined, I believe this deal is primarily procompetitive and will benefit consumers by putting previously fallow spectrum to efficient use, expanding consumer choice through the introduction of a new bundled offering, and spurring innovation in the development of new technologies and products."

Communications Director
Brian Phillips

Press Secretary
Emily Bennion