Trump's Mexico tariff threat shows Congress must reclaim trade powers and much more

Jun 13, 2019

It’s not every day that a topic near and dear to my heart — the separation of powers — becomes front-page news, but that’s exactly what happened this past week as thousands of manufacturers, farmers, retailers, builders, and restaurateurs realized that President Donald Trump was absolutely serious about implementing a 5% tariff on all Mexican imports on June 10.

Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act: The case for a more merit-based immigration system

May 8, 2019

Ashish Patel first came to Utah legally in 2005 on a temporary high-skilled work visa. Since that time Mr. Patel worked hard at his job, paid taxes, followed the law, got married, and had two kids, both of whom were born American citizens. In February 2011, Mr. Patel’s petition to earn a Green Card – the legal document that gives an immigrant the right to live and work in the United States permanently – was approved. Though approved, his Green Card remains unissued. If Mr. Patel had immigrated from any country in the world other than India he would already have his Green Card today.

The Not-So-Incredible Shirking Congress

Apr 18, 2019

Presidential power is out of control, and our legislature must reassert itself Imagine it’s March 2022. The Republican-controlled Senate has just rejected Speaker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal, ending any chance of legislative action on climate change before the midterm elections. Heavy rains have caused flooding along the Ohio and Wabash Rivers in Indiana. The governor has called a state of emergency. And with her legislative agenda in tatters and the economy flat, President Kamala Harris sees her chance: She declares a national emergency over climate change, invoking broad legislative powers pursuant to the National Emergencies Act.

Facebook, Google, others have big problems, but antitrust law is not the answer

Mar 25, 2019

It’s not every day that Tucker Carlson and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., agree on something. But for very different reasons these two stars of the right and left respectively both want to use antitrust law to take the tech giants of Silicon Valley down a notch. Carlson makes a case that certain tech platforms – particularly Facebook, Google and Twitter – discriminate against conservative speech, and many Republican members of Congress seem to agree with him.

How to provide paid family leave without further indebting the nation

Mar 13, 2019

One of the most significant stumbling blocks for many new families is the lack of paid family leave for new parents. Every parent knows that those first few weeks and months at home with new babies are crucial and filled with things such as doctors’ appointments and routine check-ups. The amount of time that parents spend with their newborn plays an important role in the parent-child relationship, as well as childhood and adolescent development. Giving every new mom and dad the flexibility to stay home for some of that time is something all Americans would like to see.

This bill is not the right move for Utah lands

Feb 22, 2019

WASHINGTON — Sometime early this week the Natural Resources Management Act will come to the floor for a vote in the Senate. There is much to like about the bill. And many good people have worked very hard on it. Unfortunately, after a lengthy review and much negotiation, it has become clear that this is not legislation I can vote for in good conscience. On balance, the bill moves federal lands policy in the wrong direction by failing to reform federal land acquisition programs and adding new restrictions to how Americans are allowed to use land already under federal control.

Different Races, Same Boat

Jan 21, 2019

Could a conservative populism repair our racial divide? Toward the end of his life, Martin Luther King Jr. turned his attention from an exclusive focus on racial justice to unequal opportunity more generally. The United States was “a nation gorged on money,” he wrote, “while millions of its citizens are denied a good education, adequate health services, decent housing, meaningful employment, and even respect, and are then told to be responsible.” He specifically blamed federal policymakers for “subsidies of the rich and unemployment and underemployment of the poor.”

More Populist, More Conservative

Jan 11, 2019

Conservatives on both sides of Tucker Carlson’s broadside against America’s elite last week should be grateful he launched it. In the wake of President Trump’s surprise victory in 2016 and Republicans’ loss of the House of Representatives in 2018, a debate about where the Right ought to go from here is the one we all need to be having.

The Truth about the FIRST STEP Act

Nov 27, 2018

As a former federal prosecutor, I am clear-eyed about crime. Unlike some reformers, I don’t think our justice system is fundamentally broken, unjust, or corrupt. I have nothing but respect for law-enforcement officials, who put themselves in danger every single day in order to protect the public. I know from experience that dangerous criminals exist — individuals who are incapable of or uninterested in rehabilitation and change. We should throw the book at those people.

Sen. Mike Lee: A conservative case for criminal justice reform

Nov 13, 2018

“Government’s first duty,” President Reagan said in 1981 and President Trump recently tweeted, “is to protect the people, not run their lives.” The safety of law-abiding citizens has always been a core principle of conservatism. And it is why we need to take this opportunity to pass real criminal-justice reform now.