Law abiding gun owners' rights: Opposing view

Apr 17, 2013

Following the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary, the country was rightly focused on steps we might take to help stop such horrible crimes from happening. Unfortunately, the proposals offered in the Senate, including the expansion of background checks, would serve primarily to restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens, while doing little, if anything, to prevent the kind of tragic violent crimes that took place in Newtown, Conn., and Aurora, Colo.

Gun Debate is Key to Protecting Individual Liberty

Apr 10, 2013

At its core, the Second Amendment helps ensure that individuals and local communities can serve as the first line of defense against threats to our persons and property. Any limitation on this fundamental right of self-defense makes us more dependent on government for protection. But government can’t be everywhere at all times, so the practical effect of limiting our individual rights is to make us less secure.

Second Amendment: History's lesson and warning

Apr 3, 2013

Gun control isn't about guns — it's about control. And the right to bear arms isn't about the arms — it's about the right.

Conservatism Means Replacing Big Government With Civil Society

Mar 19, 2013

It is time for conservatives to reframe the debate. It is time to focus on the principles that will lead us to the kind of country and society we want for our future and ourselves. Here is the principle I ask conservatives to consider: The opposite of bad government is not good government. It isn't even limited government. The opposite of bad government is a Civil Society. A free and strong civil society is built on the innate desire of Americans to freely contribute to the betterment of the community.

Unlocking the Abundance Beneath our Feet

Mar 8, 2013

One of the most important aspects of our economy is the price of energy. It affects virtually every aspect of our lives. Higher oil prices, for example, lead to higher energy costs. Families are forced to spend more and more of their incomes on heating and electricity bills. Food and other goods become more expensive as the price of producing and shipping rises. Businesses are harmed as costs go up.

Washington needs a Balanced Budget Amendment

Feb 14, 2013

The last time Congress was close to passing legislation that required the federal government to balance its budget the national debt stood at $5.3 trillion. Since then, the national debt has nearly tripled to $16.4 trillion.

Sen. Mike Lee: 'Fiscal cliff' deal: When 'good enough' isn't

Jan 4, 2013

But in fact, the fiscal cliff deal failed to improve on our broken status quo, and what little it did change, it made worse.

Treaty backers can't have it both ways

Dec 6, 2012

Supporters of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities are attempting to have it both ways. They dismiss as a myth any concerns about protecting sovereignty or parental rights because the treaty lacks a formal enforcement mechanism. They suggest that Congress can simply ignore any United Nations demand that isn't in our national interest.

LEE: After fiscal cliff comes fiscal avalanche

Nov 26, 2012

While Washington is preoccupied with the so-called fiscal cliff, little attention has been given to the fiscal avalanche that will occur if we continue down an unsustainable, long-term path, causing markets to turn sour on U.S. debt and leading to a spike in interest rates.

Waive the Renewable Fuel Standard

Oct 19, 2012

As part of the Energy Independence and Security Act, Congress authorized the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to adjust the Renewable Fuel Standard in the event that farms could not produce enough corn or to avert economic harm to the country. I believe current conditions meet that standard and have written to Lisa Jackson, head of the EPA, to use her authority to waive the RFS requirement until the country can restore normal crop yields.