Lee Introduces Define the Mission Act

September 28, 2023


WASHINGTON – Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT), J.D. Vance (R-OH), Roger Marshall (R-KS), and Mike Braun (R-IN), introduced the Define the Mission Act, legislation that will provide the American people clarity and transparency on U.S. engagement in Ukraine. The Act requires the President to submit a comprehensive strategy on U.S. involvement in Ukraine to Congress within 30 days of enactment. A companion bill was introduced in the House of Representatives by Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH, 8th District).


“As long as it takes” remains the mantra of the Biden administration when asked how long the U.S. will remain engaged in support of Ukraine. With $113 billion already provided and an additional $24 billion request on the horizon, the American taxpayer needs clarity on our objectives and how continued U.S. support furthers our national interests.


The Define the Mission Act stipulates the required strategy must include:


  • A clear definition of the U.S. national interests at stake.
  • An estimation of the resources required, including U.S. personnel, materials, and funding.
  • A forecast of security assistance to be received from NATO allies within the upcoming year.
  • A thorough assessment of the impact of Russia's dominance in the European natural gas market on concluding the conflict in Ukraine.
  • Furthermore, the proposed strategy cannot be contingent on the U.S. providing funds for Ukrainian reconstruction.


"The Biden administration's 'as long as it takes' approach to Ukraine is unacceptable, and frankly, not a strategy," said Sen. Lee. "Before we spend another penny on Ukraine, the administration owes Congress and the American people a plan of action. This bill requires the Biden administration to put pen to paper and define our goal in Ukraine."


The Ukraine proxy war is the Washington war hawk regime’s latest obsession,” said Rep. Davidson. The Biden administration’s ‘as long as it takes’ approach is not a substitute for a clear strategy. It’s our responsibility to demand a defined mission on behalf of the American people and get concrete answers to avoid endless war.


Without a clear strategy, the United States risks repeating past errors seen in prolonged engagements. The Define the Mission Act is a call for responsible governance, strategic foresight, and a commitment to prevent waste and potential misuse of resources.


Sen. Lee's bill underscores the urgency for a defined strategy that seeks to achieve a cease-fire between Russia and Ukraine and places America's national interests at the forefront.


For bill text, click HERE.
For a one-pager, click HERE