Senate Passes Lee’s FORMULA Act

June 23, 2022


Washington, D.C. – The US Senate unanimously passed a modified version of the Fixing Our Regulatory Mayhem Upsetting Little Americans (FORMULA) Act introduced by Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT). The FORMULA Act was created to combat domestic baby formula shortages and bolster the supply chain to help American families feed their babies. Recent shortages come in the immediate aftermath of a recall and temporary closure of a major American formula factory, but highlight systemic weaknesses in this vital supply chain. Due to the disruption, families in Utah and across the nation are struggling to feed their babies. This modified version of Lee’s FORMULA Act will lift substantial tariffs on the importation of baby formula and reduce the costs borne by retailers trying to keep their shelves stocked.

Following Senate passage, Sen. Lee said, “I am thrilled that a modified version of my FORMULA Act passed the Senate today. This bill will make baby formula more affordable and more available for American parents struggling to feed their hungry babies. I am grateful for the bipartisan help of my colleagues in getting this bill through.

“However, there remains much to be done. Utah families are feeling the formula crisis more acutely than those almost anywhere else. Other government barriers to competition and importation of safe formula remain. No American babies should ever go hungry. While this first step will bring much-needed relief, I will continue to work with colleagues to ensure this crisis is resolved and similar difficulties never happen again.”