Lee Offers Amendment to Target and Pay For Ukraine Aid

May 16, 2022

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) has introduced an amendment to the House-passed, $40 billion Ukraine Aid package to streamline and target aid to meet the needs on the ground in the conflict.  Sen. Lee’s amendment also would pay for the expenditure ensuring the aid does not add to the national deficit.


Of the amendment, Sen. Lee said, “The House proposal would spend nearly ten times the annual defense budget of Ukraine while delegating broad discretion to the President and bureaucrats regarding where and how most of the money is spent.  Much of the money will likely go to nations across the world not involved in the conflict.”  Lee continued, “Putin’s aggression is indefensible, and we should look for appropriate ways to support Ukrainians in the noble defense of their homeland. We must also make sure Congress maintains its constitutional role of directing engagement in conflict and ensure that we are not spending unnecessary funds while in a time of historic inflation and ballooning national debt.  My amendment will ensure we can help our friends without compromising our constitutional or financial integrity.”

For full text of the Lee amendment, click HERE.