Sen. Lee Statement on Yemen Resolution Passage

March 14, 2019

WASHINGTON – Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Thursday, after the Senate passed a resolution pursuant to the War Powers Act calling for the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen.

“The Founders placed the power to declare war squarely in the legislative branch so that it would reside in the body most accountable to the people. With passage of this resolution, we have reasserted Congress’s constitutional role over declaring war and over putting American blood and treasure on the line. It is long past time that we end U.S. involvement in this unauthorized, unjustified, and immoral war that has caused immense human suffering. Yesterday’s vote was a step in the right direction, and I look forward to the House of Representatives taking up and passing this resolution.”

Senator Lee’s remarks on the Senate floor can be found here.