Lee, Leahy Comment On House Passage of the Bipartisan Email Privacy Act

April 27, 2016

WASHINGTON - Today, Senators Mike Lee (R-UT) and Patrick Leahy (D-VT) reseased the following statement following the House of Representatives' 419-0 vote to pass the Email Privacy Act:

“Today’s 419-0 House vote for the Email Privacy Act is an historic step toward updating our privacy laws for the digital age.  It should go without saying that law enforcement agents should have to get a warrant to read Americans’ emails or retrieve their sensitive information from the cloud – yet that is not what our statutes currently require.  It is long past time to reassure the American people that their online communications are protected from warrantless searches.  The Email Privacy Act does just that.  As today’s House vote shows, it is that rare bill that garners support from the full range of the political spectrum, and that can become law even in an election year.  The companion bill that we introduced in the Senate last year has broad support with more than 25 cosponsors, including senior members from both parties.  Now that the House has passed this bill by a vote of 419-0, it’s time for the Senate act.  We urge the Senate to take up and pass this bipartisan, common-sense legislation without delay.”